In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Canada and the Threat of WarA Discussion of Mr. Mackenzie King’s Foreign Policy
  • Escott Reid


1. For a detailed presentation see my “Mr. Mackenzie King’s Foreign Policy, 1935–1936” (Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, III, Feb., 1937).

2. Debates of the House of Commons, Canada, Feb. 11, 1936, p. 110.

3. A. Lawrence Lowell, “Alternatives before the League” (Foreign Affairs, Oct., 1936, pp. 109–10).

4. League of Nations Assembly, Sept. 29, 1936, Verbatim record, p. 2. Speech by Mr. Mackenzie King.

5. Debates of the House of Commons, Canada, June 18, 1936, p. 4187.

6. Debates of the House of Commons, Canada, June 18, 1936, pp. 4195–6.

7. For a statement of some of the difficulties in the way of either alternative see P. E. Corbett, “Isolation for Canada?” (Quarterly, VI, Oct., 1936, 120–31). [Editor’s Note)


