In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Periodical Literature

General and Miscellaneous

‘Secular’ and ‘Religious’: historical perspectives. John Seed. Social History, 39 (Feb., 2014), 3–11.
The First Vatican Council, Papal Infallibility, and Three Sixteenth-Century Views. Christian D. Washburn. Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum, 44 (1, 2012), 143–70.
L’iconografia jacopea legata al camino de Santiago nella pittura siciliana dal XV al XVIII secolo. Mariny Guttilla. Compostellanum, LVIII (3–4, 2013), 373–92.
I graffiti del Battistero di Castiglione Olona. Riccardo Valente. Aevum, LXXXVII (Sept.–Dec., 2013), 807–74.
Les statues habillées dans le catholicisme. Entre histoire de l’art, histoire religieuse et anthropologie. Marlène Albert Llorca. Archives de sciences sociales des religions, 58 (Oct.–Dec., 2013), 11–23.
Dissenters and the City. Excavating friars and non-conformists in Bristol. Current Archaeology, XXV (May, 2014), 32–38.
“a peste libera nos”.—Die Glocken als Hilfe gegen die Pest. Konrad M. Müller. Freiburger Diözesan-Archiv, 133 (2013), 337–64.
In Search of the Origins of the Opłatek. Claire M. Anderson. Polish Review, 58 (3, 2013), 65–76.
Luther’s Impact on the United States and Australia at the Turn of the Twentieth Century. Hartmut Lehmann. Lutheran Quarterly, XXVIII (Spring, 2014), 49–69.


Antecedentes del clericalismo y anticlericalismo en España. (De Nerón a Carlos III). Una introducción (I). Victor Manuel Arbeloa. Lumen, LXII (Oct.–Dec., 2013), 433–91.
Literate Media in Early Christ Groups: The Creation of a Christian Book Culture. John S. Kloppenborg. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 22 (Spring, 2014), 21–59.
Holy Hair: Beards in the Patristic Tradition. A. Edward Siecienski. St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 58 (1, 2014), 41–67. [End Page 653]
“Hair!” Remnants of Ascetic Exegesis in Augustine of Hippo’s De Opere Monachorum. Maria E. Doerfler. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 22 (Spring, 2014), 79–111.
Early Christian Chronology and the Origins of the Christmas Date: In Defense of the “Calculation Theory.” C. Philipp E. Nothaft. Questions Liturgiques, 94 (3–4, 2013), 247–65.
Women in Anchoritic and Semi-Anchoritic Monasticism in Egypt: Rethinking the Landscape. Caroline T. Schroeder. Church History, 83 (Mar., 2014), 1–17.
Ambrosius, die Kaiser und das Ideal des christlichen Ratgebers. Fabian Schulz. Historia, 63 (2, 2014), 214–42.
Chastity stripped bare: on temporal and eternal things in the Sacra Parallela. Mati Meyer. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 38 (1, 2014), 1–23.
Entrusting Western Europe to the Church, 400–750. Ian Wood. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society (Sixth Series), 23 (Dec., 2013), 37–73.
Vt omni sabbato ieiunetur: A propósito de dos cánones pseudoiliberritanos sobre al ayuno sabático hebdomadario. Josep Vilella. Revue d’Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques, 59 (1, 2013), 135–80.
Constantius, St Germanus and fifth-century Britain. N. J. Higham. Early Medieval Europe, 22 (May, 2014), 113–37.
An unnoticed regimental diaconus in the correspondence of Theodoret of Cyrrhus. Philip Rance. Historia, 63 (1, 2014), 117–28.


The De tonitruis Attributed to Bede: An Early Medieval treatise on Divination by Thunder. David Juste and Hilbert Chiu. Traditio, 68 (2013), 97–124.
Bede, Wearmouth-Jarrow and Sacred Space. Anthony Smart. International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church, 14 (1, 2014), 22–40.
Autopsies and Philosophies of a Merovingian Life: Death, Responsibility, Salvation. Jamie Kreiner. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 22 (Spring, 2014), 113–52.
Prima dell’impero. Antagonismo franco-bizantino, identità politiche e ideologia dal mito delle origini troiane all’Opus Caroli regis contra synodum (Libri Carolini). Alberto Ricciardi. Rivista Storica Italiana, CXXV (III, 2013), 643–80.
Carlo Magno, un padre dell’Europa. Giancarlo Pani, S.I. La Civiltà Cattolica, 165 (Jan. 18, 2014), 105–18.
“Knowledge Will be Manifold”: Daniel 12.4 and the Idea of Intellectual Progress in the Middle Ages. J. R. Webb. Speculum, 89 (Apr., 2014), 307–57.
Early-Medieval Exegesis of the Song of Songs and the Maternal Language of Clerical Authority. Hannah W. Matis. Speculum, 89 (Apr., 2014), 358–81. [End Page 654]
Papsttum, italisches Königtum und Kaisertum. Zur Entwicklung eines Dreiecksverhältnisses von Ludwig II. bis Berengar I. Simon Groth. Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, 124 (2–3, 2013), 151–84.
Die kulturhistorische Grundlegung der chistlichen Sakralkonzeption in der...

