In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Dobrodošlica, and: Welcome, and: Zalazak sunca, and: Sunset, and: Nema više tajne, and: No More Mystery, and: Vredelo je, and: It Was Worthwhile, and: Okeansko osećanje, and: The Oceanic Feeling
  • Dušan Pajin

DUŠAN PAJIN, who received his Ph.D. in philosophy at the University of Sarajevo, has held faculty appointments in philosophy, aesthetics, and art at numerous academic institutions throughout Serbia. In those capacities he has lectured in both Serbian and English. Additionally, he has made frequent appearances as a lecturer on television and radio cultural programs. Pajin has served as editor in chief for the quarterly journal Eastern Cultures, as program editor for the Belgrade Youth Culture Center, and as an editor for the Belgrade publishing house Nolit. An exceedingly productive scholar, he has published 15 books on theory, most recently, Zen-Teachings: Practice and Contemporary Influences (2012), For a Better World: Important Cultural Figures of the 20th Century (2013), and Yoga—Mind and Body (2014); edited 12 books, including The Anthology of Yugoslav Poetry: 1950–1959 (also published in Chinese); and published over 500 studies, articles, critiques, and reviews in Yugoslav and foreign periodicals. Pajin’s creative talents also extend to the practice of art. His paintings have been exhibited at national as well as international venues. [End Page 305]


Kako je blagodarna lepota Kad je samnom Tako daleko od kuće, Pa se pojavila nenadano i nenametljivo Na oknu mog prozora Velika zelena bogomoljka, Došla je kao da me vidi, Da mi iskaže svoju večernju molitvu. Kako je blagodarna lepota, Kad mi iznova otvara Kapiju mudrosti, Sa naznakom iznad— Ulaz slobodan, Kad je duh spreman.         Tajpej, leto 1993.

[End Page 306]


How gracious is beauty Being with me So far away from home Appearing suddenly and humbly On my window-pane A big green praying mantis Came, as if to see me, To deliver her evening prayer. How gracious is beauty, To open again The gates of wisdom, With a sign above— Entrance free When the mind is ready.         Taipei, summer 1993

[End Page 307]

Zalazak sunca

Milost lepote Plavi me kao velika plima— Zagledan u suton, U odlazak dana, I dolazak večeri. U magnovenju slutim: Možda je to čas Poravnanja života i smrti? U spokoju, Širokom kao nebo, Dubokom kao okean, Sveobuhvatna čistina Otvara prolaz, Između sad i nikad, Sažimajući večnost U trenutak tišine, Dok zrikavci Smenjuju zriku dana, Zrikom noći.

[End Page 308]


By the grace of beauty Flooded as by a giant tide, Watching the twilight, The departure of the day, The arrival of the night, For a moment I have an inkling— Is this the equalizing moment Of life and death? With this solemn peace in mind, Vast as the sky, Deep as the ocean, While an encompassing purity Opens the passage Between now and never Compressing eternity Into a moment of silence, While the crickets Change their daily tune Into the evening tune.

[End Page 309]

Nema više tajne

Pesme koje sam znao Ne čuju se više, Lica koja sam voleo Ne vidim više. Tamno crveni zalazak sunca Dugo nisam video. Jutro više nije obećanje, Nego presuda novog dana. Dani ne dodaju životu, Samo me guraju dalje U sledu ka kraju. Nema više tajne Jasno je zašto hoću Da zaustavim život. Odbijam da idem dalje U bol i starost, Neću da pokvarim dane Koji su već bili dati, Ili da žalim nad prošlim, Da budem dosadan starac Izgubljen u uspomenama, Koji stalno ponavlja svoje priče Koga podnose zbog godina, Kome se dive jer je još priseban, Ili ga ispomažu, kad je bespomoćan.

[End Page 310]

No More Mystery

The songs I loved Are not sung anymore, The faces I loved Are not seen around, The deep purple sunset I haven’t seen for ages. The morning is not a promise But a sentence of a new day. The days do not add to life But only push me further In the queue towards the end. No more mystery— It is clear why I want To stop living. I refuse...

