In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Nimbiiskaabiimin Apane, and: We Are Returning Always
  • Margaret Noodin (bio)

Nimbiiskaabiimin Apane

Pii mooshkine aapkizidnaawiying odo’shkiinzhig okomisani-waabamowinzhooniyaabikwe mbikwaakwadoshki-nookaazhegiizhigong.

Negweyab-aawanan babaamishimomisko-miin-aazhemiin-aazhebimide miinwaa bingwiinoshki’anoongkewaadoshki’aadisookewaad.

Dibikibagoneyaa temigadbakaan bagodakamigkina gojinggaawiin ningojizaagigi, zaagakiiepiichi bangishimod.

Gimbiiskaabiimin pii nagamoyingginebigog, goonmitigwaanan, miigwanagnibwaakaaying abinoojiwiyingnibaaying waaboowaningmashko’asabikeying.

We Are Returning Always

When the moon is fullthe center of grandmother’s eyebecomes a mirror,a ball of silver hair,the spot of new skinin the sky.

The nebulae dance behind herraspberry lightblueberry lightgas and dustmaking new starsand new stories.

A dark hole discernedis a different wildernesseverywhereand nowheregrowing, expandingwhile collapsing.

And our song returns ussnakes and snowtwigs and twinewe are wise bright infantsasleep in a blanketspun of energy. [End Page 73]

Margaret Noodin

Margaret Noodin received an MFA in Writing and a PhD in English and Linguistics from the University of Minnesota. She is Assistant Professor in English and American Indian Studies at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. Her most recent book about Anishinaabe literature is Bwaajimo. Her poems can be heard at:


