In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volume 85

adaptation, 417–443

ADH1B, 569–577

adiponectin, 231–250

admixture, 173–187

“Admixture Patterns and Genetic Differentiation in Negrito Groups from West Malaysia Estimated from Genome-wide SNP Data,” 173–187

Aeta, 231–250

Agta, 329–358, 401–416

Ahmetov, I. I., 741–755

air sac, 639–672

Alta, 329–358

ambient temperature, 757–767

Amerindians, 687–697

Anagnostou, P., 597–606

“Analysis of Uniparental Lineages in Two Villages of Santiago del Estero, Argentina, Seat of Pueblos de Indios in Colonial Times,” 699–719

ancestry, 721–740, 859–900

“Ancestry Informative Markers Clarify the Regional Admixture Variation in the Costa Rican Population,” 721–740

ancient Israel, 925–939

ancient migrations, 789–796

Andamanese, 153–171

“The Andaman Islanders in a Regional Genetic Context: Reexamining the Evidence for an Early Peopling of the Archipelago from South Asia,” 153–171

ankle, 309–328

Antao, T., 251–284

“Anthropology and GIS: Temporal and Spatial Distribution of the Philippine Negrito Groups,” 209–230

anthropometry, 901–918

archaeology, 925–939

archaeomath, 789–796

Argentina, 687–697, 699–719

Arta, 329–358

Ashkenazi Jews, 817–823, 901–918

Asian population, 569–577

Aslian languages, 383–399, 445–483

Astratenkova, I. V., 741–755

asymmetric admixture, 597–606

athletic performance, 741–755

Atta, 329–358

Attimonelli, M., 285–307

Australia, 485–494, 757–767

Australian Aborigines, 485–494

“The Australian Barrineans and Their Relationship to Southeast Asian Negritos: An Investigation using Mitochondrial Genomics” (brief communication), 485–494

Austroasiatic languages, 383–399

Austronesian diaspora, 359–381

autism, 769–787

autosomal genome, 925–939

autosomes, 153–171

Ayta, 329–358

Babalu, A., 251–284

Bahmanimehr, A., 859–900

Balanovsky, E., 859–900

Balanovsky, O., 859–900

Bantu, 597–606

Baran, Y., 859–900

Barrantes, R., 721–740

Barrineans, 485–494

Batini, C., 597–606

Battaggia, C., 597–606

Bayes, 553–567

Bayesian networks, 769–787

Bayesian skyline plot, 135–152

BDKRB2, 741–755

Behar, D. M., 859–900

Belatti, M., 251–284

Bengalee, 607–617 [End Page 941]

Benjamin, G., 445–483

Bernstein, R. M., 231–250

Biswas, S., 607–617

Bloothooft, G., 553–567

Blust, R., 401–416

body proportions, 67–94

Boschi, I., 597–606

Bose, K., 607–617

brachycephalic, 901–918

bradykinin receptor beta2 gene, 741–755

Brisighelli, F., 597–606

Brody, A. J., 925–939

Bulbeck, D., 95–133

Burenhult, N., 383–399

Cagan, A., 251–284

Calabrese, F., 285–307

Callao Cave, 45–65

Campos-Sánchez, R., 721–740

Canaanite, 925–939

Capocasa, M., 597–606

Carter, T., 507–508

Catanesi, C. I., 687–697

census data, 209–230

Chaco Province, 687–697

Chakraborty, R., 607–617

Chaplin, G., 529–552

Chaubey, G., 153–171

Cięszczyk, P., 741–755

Cinnioglu, C., 825–857

Clegg, M., 639–672

“Climate Change Influenced Female Population Sizes through Time across the Indonesian Archipelago,” 135–152

Cochran, G., 515–527

Cohen, J., 825–857

Cohen modal haplotype, 817–823

“Comparative Morphology of the Hominin and African Ape Hyoid Bone, a Possible Marker of the Evolution of Speech,” 639–672

convergent adaptation, 251–284

Corny, J., 45–65

Costa Rica, 721–740

Cox, M. P., 135–152

cranial morphology, 95–133

“Craniodental Affinities of Southeast Asia’s ‘Negritos’ and the Concordance with Their Genetic Affinities,” 95–133

craniometrics, 95–133, 673–686, 901–918

C-reactive protein, 231–250

cultivator-forager interaction, 359–381

Darlu, P., 553–567, 797–799

Demarchi, D. A., 699–719

demic dispersal, 329–358

dental metrics, 95–133

dental morphology, 95–133

DeSilva, J. M., 309–328

Destro-Bisol, G., 597–606

Détroit, F., 45–65

digit ratio, 623–625

Dikika, 639–672

Dixson, B. J., 757–767

Dizon, E. Z., 45–65

dolicocephalic, 901–918

Dominy, N. J., 231–250, 309–328

Drew, R., 579–596

Dumagat, 329–358

Dunn, M., 383–399

Efron, J. M., 901–918

Endicott, P., 7–20, 153–171, 189–208

epidermal growth factor, 231–250

ethnicity, 925–939

eumelanin, 529–552

European cohorts, 741–755

“Evaluation of the Bayesian Method to Derive Migration Patterns from Changes in Surname Distributions over Time,” 553–567

“Evolution of the Pygmy Phenotype: Evidence of Positive Selection from Genome-wide Scans in African, Asian, and Melanesian...
