In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received

October 16, 2013, to January 15, 2014

Armstrong, Charles Ivan. 2013. Reframing Yeats: Genre, Allusion, and History. New York: Bloomsbury. $110.00 hc. 224 pp.
Berlant, Lauren, and Lee Edelman. 2014. Sex, or the Unbearable. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. $74.95 hc. $21.95 sc. 168 pp.
Braddock, Jeremy, and Jonathan P. Eburne, eds. 2013. Paris, Capital of the Black Atlantic: Literature, Modernity, and Diaspora. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. $35.00 sc. 364 pp.
Brier, Bob, and Hoyt Hobbs. 2013. Ancient Egypt: Everyday Life in the Land of the Nile. New York: Sterling. $17.95 hc. 312 pp.
Bristow, Joseph, ed. 2013. Wilde Discoveries: Traditions, Histories, Archives. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. $75.00 hc. 390 pp.
Byrne, Romana. 2013. Aesthetic Sexuality: A Literary History of Sadomasochism. New York: Bloomsbury. $110.00 hc. 192 pp.
Carter, Paul. 2013. Meeting Place: The Human Encounter and the Challenge of Coexistence. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. $75.00 hc. $25.00 sc. 248 pp.
Cartwright, Keith. 2013. Sacral Grooves, Limbo Gateways: Travels in Deep Southern Time, Circum-Caribbean Space, Afro-Creole Authority. Athens: University of Georgia Press. $79.95 hc. $24.95 sc. 308 pp.
Caruth, Cathy. 2013. Literature in the Ashes of History. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. $50.00 hc. $22.95 sc. 129 pp.
Childs, Peter, and James Green. 2013. Aesthetics and Ethics in Twenty-First Century British Novels: Zadie Smith, Nadeem Aslam, Hari Kunzru and David Mitchell. New York: Bloomsbury. $110.00 hc. 192 pp.
Crawford, Joseph. 2013. Gothic Fiction and the Invention of Terrorism: The Politics of Fear in the Age of the Reign of Terror. New York: Bloomsbury Press. $95.00 hc. 272 pp.
Dane, Joseph A. 2013. Blind Impressions: Methods and Mythologies in Book History. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. $65.00 hc. 232 pp.
Danta, Chris, and Helen Groth. 2013. Mindful Aesthetics: Literature and the Sciences of Mind. New York: Bloomsbury. $110.00 hc. 224 pp.
Dines, Martin, and Timotheus Vermeulen, eds. 2013. New Suburban Stories. New York: Bloomsbury. $104.00 hc. 256 pp.
Eagle, Chris. 2013. Dysfluencies: On Speech Disorders in Modern Literature. New York: Bloomsbury. $110.00 hc. 240 pp.
Eaglestone, Robert, and Martin McQuillan, eds. 2013. Salman Rushdie: Contemporary Critical Perspectives. New York: Bloomsbury. $90.00 hc. $27.95 sc. 176 pp.
El-Ariss, Tarek. 2013. Trials of Arab Modernity: Literary Affects and the New Political. Bronx, NY: Fordham University Press. $75.00 hc. $20.00 sc. 233 pp.
Forsberg, Niklas. 2013. Language Lost and Found: On Iris Murdoch and the Limits of Philosphical Discourse. New York: Bloomsbury. $110.00 hc. 240 pp.
Furani, Khaled. 2012. Silencing the Sea: Secular Rhythms in Palestinian Poetry. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. $55.00 hc. 298 pp. [End Page 163]
Fuss, Diana. 2013. Dying Modern: A Mediation on Elegy. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. S74.95 hc. $21.95 sc. 260 pp.
Gardiner, Michael. 2013. The Constitution of English Literature: The State, the Nation and the Canon. New York: Bloomsbury. $90.00 hc. 168 pp.
Garland, Robert. 2013. Ancient Greece: Everyday Life in the Birthplace of Western Civilization. New York: Sterling. $17.95 hc. 365 pp.
Germana, Monica, and Emily Horton, eds. 2013. Ali Smith: Contemporary Critical Perspectives. New York: Bloomsbury. $100.00 hc. $29.95 sc. 188 pp.
Ghosh, Ranjan, and Ethan Kleinberg, eds. 2013. Presence: Philosophy, History, and Cultural Theory for the Twenty-First Century. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. $59.95 hc. 232 pp.
Gottlieb, Evan. 2013. Walter Scott and Contemporary Theory. New York: Bloomsbury. $34.95 sc. 208 pp.
Gourgouris, Stathis. 2013. Lessons in Secular Criticism. Bronx, NY: Fordham University Press. $65.00 hc. $24.00 sc. 186 pp.
Groensteen, Thierry. 2013. Comics and Narration. Translated by Ann Miller. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. $55.00 hc. 205 pp.
Groes, Sebastian, ed. 2013. Ian McEwan: Contemporary Critical Perspectives, 2nd ed. New York: Bloomsbury. $27.95 sc. 180 pp.
Herman, Luc, and Steven Weisenburger. 2013. Gravity’s Rainbow, Domination, and Freedom. Athens: University of Georgia Press. $79.95 hc. $24.95 sc. 224 pp.
Hill, Edwin C. 2013. Black Soundscapes White Stages: The Meaning of Francophone Sound in the Black Atlantic. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University...

