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  • Contributors

Arlindo Manuel Caldeira is a researcher at the Centro de História de Além-Mar, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. His area of specialization is the social history of the islands of the Gulf of Guinea and the slave trade in the South Atlantic. He has published dozens of articles in Portuguese and international academic journals and has collaborated in several collective projects. He is the author of three monographs on the arquipelago of São Tomé e Príncipe, including Mulheres, sexualidade e casamento em São Tomé e Príncipe (séculos XV-XVIII), Lisboa: Edições Cosmos, 1999.

Maria João Soares is a Senior Researcher in the Centro de História, Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, Lisbon. Her area of core research is the Cape Verdean archipelago (XV-XVIII centuries): in particular the study of elites, creolization, the presence of foreigners, and forms of scientific knowledge. She was a member of the research projects on the General History of Cape Verde and Lower Nobility in the Atlantic Archipelagos.

Estevam C. Thompson is Assistant Professor of African History at the Universidade de Brasília, Brazil. His research his centered on eighteenth-century Angola, with a focus on the social, economic and cultural relations developed between European, Luso-African and African slave traders, especially those operating from the port town of Benguela.

Maria Manuel Ferraz Torrão est chercheur au Centre d'Histoire, Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, à Lisbonne. Docteur en histoire par l'Université des Açores, elle est spécialiste de sujets liés à l'histoire de l'Atlantique, en particulier l'histoire des îles du Cap Vert, aient soutenu une thèse sur la traite des esclaves entre les îles du Cap-Vert et la côte de Guinée et l'Amérique espagnole. Membre depuis 1987 de l'équipe portugaise-cap-verdienne qui a rédigé les différents volumes de l'Histoire Générale du Cap-Vert, elle participe également à plusieurs projets interdisciplinaires en cours dans l'IICT liés à l'histoire de la Commission de Cartographie et à l'évolution des connaissances scientifiques, en particulier l'évolution des connaissances scientifiques dans les îles du Cap-Vert. [End Page 147]


