In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received
BeDuhn, Jason David. Augustine’s Manichaean Dilemma, Volume 2: Making a “Catholic” Self, 388–401 c.e. Divinations: Rereading Late Ancient Religion; Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013. ISBN 978-0-8122-4494-6. Pp. 584. $79.95.
Behr, John. Irenaeus of Lyons: Identifying Christianity. Christian Theology in Context; New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. ISBN 978-0-19-921462-4. Pp. 236. $110.00.
Bousset, Wilhelm. Kyrios Christos: A History of the Belief in Christ from the Beginnings of Christianity to Irenaeus. Trans. John E. Steely; reprinted Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2013. ISBN 978-1-60258-987-2. Pp. 496. $49.95.
Cain, Andrew. Jerome and the Monastic Clergy. Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 119; Leiden: Brill, 2013. ISBN 978-90-04-23706-3. Pp. 340. $140.00.
Cain, Andrew. Jerome’s Epitaph on Paula. Oxford Early Christian Texts; New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. ISBN 978-0-19-967260-8. Pp. 569. $275.00.
Coakley, J. F. Robinson’s Paradigms and Exercises in Syriac Grammar. 6th edition; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. ISBN 978-0-19-968717-6. Pp. 179. $40.00.
Cribiore, Raffaella. Libanius the Sophist: Rhetoric, Reality, and Religion in the Fourth Century. Townsend Lecture Series; Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2013. ISBN 978-0-8014-5207-9. Pp. 272. $49.95.
Dohrmann, Natalie B., and Annette Yoshiko Reed, editors. Jews, Christians, and the Roman Empire: The Poetics of Power in Late Antiquity. Jewish Culture and Contexts; Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013. ISBN 978-0-8122-4533-2. Pp. 456. $69.95.
Drake, Susanna. Slandering the Jew: Sexuality and Difference in Early Christian Texts. Divinations: Rereading Late Ancient Religion; Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013. ISBN 978-0-8122-4520-2. Pp. 192. $55.00.
Ellens, J. Harold, editor. Heaven, Hell, and the Afterlife: Eternity in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality; Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2013. ISBN 978-1440801839. $194.00.
Galvão-Sobrinho, Carlos R. Doctrine and Power: Theological Controversy and Christian Leadership in the Later Roman Empire. Transformation of the Classical Heritage; Berkeley/Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press, 2013. ISBN 9780520257399. Pp. 310. $75.00. [End Page 165]
Harland, Philip A. Associations, Synagogues, and Congregations: Claiming a Place in Ancient Mediterranean Society. 2nd edition; Kitchener, Ontario: 2013. Pp. 277.
Harrill, J. Albert. Paul the Apostle: His Life and Legacy in their Roman Context. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012. ISBN 978-0-521-75780-5. Pp. 220. $24.99.
Harrison, Carol. The Art of Listening in the Early Church. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. ISBN 978-0-19-964143-7. Pp. 302. $125.00.
Hartog, Paul, editor. Polycarp’s Epistle to the Philippians and the Martyrdom of Polycarp. Oxford Apostolic Fathers; New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. ISBN 978-0-19-922839-3. Pp. 368. $275.00.
Hengel, Martin. Between Jesus and Paul. Trans. John Bowden; Studies in the Earliest History of Christianity; Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2013. ISBN 978-1-60258-991-9. $26.00.
Hofer, Andrew. Christ in the Life and Teaching of Gregory of Nazianzus. Oxford Early Christian Studies; New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. ISBN 9780199681945. Pp. 270. $99.00.
Jefford, Clayton N. Didache: The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles. Early Christian Apocrypha 5; Salem, OR: Polebridge, 2013. ISBN 978-1-59815-126-8. Pp. 80. $18.00.
Jefford, Clayton N., editor. The Epistle to Diognetus (With the Fragment of Quadratus): Introduction, Text and Commentary. Oxford Apostolic Fathers; New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. ISBN 978-0-19-921274-3. Pp. 281. $185.00.
Johnson, Aaron, and Jeremy Schott, editors. Eusebius of Caesarea: Tradition and Innovations. Hellenic Studies; Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2013. ISBN 978-0-674-07329-6. Pp. 390. $24.95.
Kaldellis, Anthony. Ethnography after Antiquity: Foreign Lands and Peoples in Byzantine Literature. Empire and After; Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013. ISBN 978-0-8122-4531-8. Pp. 304. $75.00.
Lewis, Nicola Denzey. Cosmology and Fate in Gnosticism and Graeco-Roman Antiquity. Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies; Leiden: Brill, 2013. ISBN 978-90-04-24548-8. Pp. 220. $140.00.
Meconi, David Vincent. The One Christ: St. Augustine’s Theology of...

