- Notes on Contributors
Catherine Allgor, the Nadine and Robert A. Skotheim Director of Education at The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, is also professor of history at the University of California, Riverside and a UC Presidential Chair. Her most recent books include Dolley Madison: The Problem of National Unity (Westview P, 2012) and The Queen of America: Mary Cutts's Life of Dolley Madison (U of Virginia P, 2012). President Obama has appointed Allgor to a presidential commission, the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation.
Avram Alpert is a PhD candidate in comparative literature at the University of Pennsylvania. His work has also appeared in Postcolonial Studies and Third Text. He is currently completing his dissertation, "Practices of the Global Self: The Colonial Encounter and the Making of Modern Thought."
Eileen Hunt Botting is an associate professor of political science at the University of Notre Dame. In 2012, the Society for the Study of American Women Writers gave its triennial edition award to Hannah Mather Crocker's 'Reminiscences and Tradition of Boston' (NEHGS, 2011), which she edited with Sarah L. Houser.
Claire Bourhis-Mariotti is a lecturer in American history and English language at the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France) specializing in nineteenth-century African-American history, and more particularly the antebellum emigrationist movement to Haiti and African-Americans' Haitian experience throughout the nineteenth century. She is a coeditor and coauthor of Réorientations des empires et nouvelle colonisation: Couleurs, esclavage, libérations aux Amériques-1804-1860 (Les Perséides, forthcoming, fall 2013).
Cornelia Hughes Dayton is a member of the history department at the University of Connecticut. She is the author of Women before the Bar: Gender, Law, and Society in Connecticut, 1639-1789 (U of North Carolina P, 1995) and, with Sharon V. Salinger, the forthcoming Robert Love's Warnings: Searching for Strangers in Colonial Boston (U of Pennsylvania P).
Jennifer Desiderio is associate professor of English at Canisius College in Buffalo, New York. She coedited the Broadview edition of Hannah Webster Foster's The Coquette and The Boarding School. She also coedited a special edition of Studies in American Fiction entitled Beyond Charlotte Temple: New Approaches to Susanna Rowson. She has written articles on Judith Sargent Murray, Hannah Webster Foster, and Susanna Rowson, and has delivered numerous papers on topics ranging from the job of the editor to gossip in the eighteenth century. [End Page 267]
John Easterbrook is a PhD candidate in the Department of English at New York University. He is at work on his dissertation, which examines the political ecology of early American writing.
Joseph Fictelberg is the author, most recently, of Risk Culture: Performance and Danger in Early America (University of Michigan Press, 2010). He is a member of the EAL board and has just completed a term as the chair of the English department at Hofstra University.
Jonathan Beecher Field was born at Boston Lying-In Hospital in 1969. He is currently an associate professor of English at Clemson University. In the interval, he attended schools in New England and the Midwest. He is currently working on a book project called "Antinomian Idol."
Paul Gilmore is a professor of English at California State University, Long Beach. He is the author of Aesthetic Materialism (Stanford UP, 2009) and The Genuine Article (Duke UP, 2001), and his articles have appeared in journals such as Early American Literature, American Literature, ELH, and ESQ.
Jennifer Glaser is an assistant professor of English and comparative literature and an affiliate faculty member in Judaic and Women's and Gender Studies at the University of Cincinnati. Last year, she was a Faculty Fellow at the Frankel Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Michigan. She is currently completing a manuscript on Jews and race in America. She has published in or has publications forthcoming in venues such as PMLA, MELUS, Safundi, Literature Compass, Prooftexts, ImageText, and an anthology of essays from Random House.
Jean-Baptiste Goyard is a professeur agrégé (teaching fellow) in English language and a PhD candidate in American history at the University of Versailles Saint Quentin, France. He is completing his dissertation on ancient Greek and Roman political models during the...