Mature Poets Steal: Children’s Literature and the Unpublishability of Fanfiction
- Children's Literature Association Quarterly
- Johns Hopkins University Press
- Volume 39, Number 1, Spring 2014
- pp. 4-27
- 10.1353/chq.2014.0010
- Article
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Many fan scholars have argued for a literary approach to fanfiction as an ideal venue for illuminating reader-response theory. I extend this argument to consideration of texts for young people, as this genre is wedded to a construction of audience that is alienated from the means of production. I focus upon Harry Potter fanfiction; the popularity of both the books made fan practices more visible than ever before. I argue that great fanfiction is often unpublishable, since it draws its aesthetic power from both its freedom from the constraints of the publishing industry and its embeddedness within a community of readers and writers: fanfiction, unlike published literature for young people, relies upon a presumption of readers’ knowledge, rather than their ignorance.