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Reviews 377 BRIEF NOTICES Slumgullion Stew: An Edward Abbey Reader. By Edward Abbey. (New York: Dutton, 1984. 372 pages, $8.95.) An anthology which attempts to introduce the reader unfamiliar with Abbey to “both the best and the mostrepresentative” ofhiswriting. In seeking to represent the theme of “the human versus human institutions,” Abbey has selected portions of such works as Fire on the Mountain, Black Sun, The Monkey Wrench Gang, and his novel in process, The Rites of Spring. —CMW ]ean Stafford: A Comprehensive Bibliography. By Wanda Avila. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities Vol. 377. (New York: Garland, 1983. 195 pages, $29.00.) This bibliography is the first attempt at an all-encompassing list of works by and about Jean Stafford. Wanda Avila believes that “in spite of the signifi­ cance of Stafford’s work, she has received comparatively little critical atten­ tion,” and hopes that her bibliography will remedy that situation. Includes a chronology, introduction, and extensive index. —CMW Bibliographical Guide to the Study of the Literature of the U.S.A. By Clar­ ence Gohdes and Sanford E. Marovitz. Fifth edition. (Durham, North Caro­ lina: Duke University Press, 1984. 256 pages, $29.75.) This edition includes over 1900 new reference items, a new section on women’s studies, and addresses several new interdisciplinary studies such as popular culture, racial and other minorities, Native Americans and Chicanos, and literary regionalism. More space has been allotted to computer aids, science fiction, children’s literature, literature of the sea, and film and litera­ ture. Psychoanalytical techniques to literary study have been allocated a sec­ tion of their own, and the section on American language has been given more space. The organization of items in the chapters has been simplified, and an appendix listing the major biography of each of the 135 deceased American authors is included. —from the book jacket ...

