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Index, Volume XXVIII (1988) Articles Ames, Sanford S. “ A Severe and M ilitant C harity.” Sum m er 1988, 89-95. Anzalone, John. Introduction. Spring 1988, 5-6. _______ Timeless Tom es: O ccult Libraries in Villiers* Isis and Axël. Spring 1988, 87-94. Chambers, Ross. C hanging O vercoats: Villiers’ “ L’lntersigne” and the A uthority o f Fiction. Fall 1988, 63-78. Conley, Tom. De Capsula Totoe: Lecture de M ontaigne, “ De trois com m erces.” Spring 1988, 18-26. _______. A Silence Seen. Sum m er 1988, 5-12. Cornillial, François. De l’usage des images m uettes: Imagination poétique de Barthélém y A neau. Sum ­ m er 1988, 78-88. Côté, Paul Raymond & Constantino Mitchell. Le livre, le feu et la cave: une thém atique de la trans­ form ation dans Le M atou d ’Yves Beauchem in. Spring 1988, 95-105. Cottrell, Robert D. Scève’s Blasons and the Logic o f the G aze. Sum m er 1988, 68-77. Crecelius, Kathryn J. Fem ale Fantastic: The Case of G eorge Sand. Fall 1988, 49-62. DeJean, Joan. Looking like a W om an: The Female G aze in Sappho and Lafayette. W inter 1988, 34-45. Durand-Sendrail, Béatrice. M irage des lum ières: politique du regard dans les Lettres persanes. W inter 1988, 69-81. Evans, Arthur B. The Extraordinary Libraries o f Jules V erne. Spring 1988, 75-86. Gasbarrone, Lisa. The Book o f N ature: R ousseau’s Floral Collections and the Text. Spring 1988, 27-41. Goodwin, Sarah Webster. Libraries, Kitsch and G ender in Madame Bovary. Spring 1988, 56-66. Gordon, Rae Beth. Le Merveilleux scientifique and the Fantastic. Fall 1988, 9-22. Hannoosh, Michele. T he Function o f Literature in B audelaire’s La Fanfarlo, Spring 1988, 42-55. Harter, Deborah A. From Represented to Literal Space: Fantastic N arrative and the Body in Pieces. Fall 1988, 23-36. Kamuf, Peggy. Seeing T hrough R ousseau. W inter 1988, 82-94. Mathieu-Castellani, Gisèle. La parleuse m uette. Sum m er 1988, 25-35. Mitchell, Constantino & Paul Raymond Côté. Le livre, le feu et la cave: une thém atique de la trans­ form ation dans Le M atou d ’Yves Beauchem in. Spring 1988, 95-105. Nichols, Fred J. G enerating the U nw ritten Text: The Case o f Rabelais. Spring 1988, 7-17. O ’Neal, John. The Sensationist A esthetics o f the French Enlightenm ent. W inter 1988, 95-106. Porter, Laurence M. E ditor’s Preface. Fall 1988, 5-8. Przybos, Julia..De la poétique décadente: la bibliothèque de des Esseintes. Spring 1988, 67-74. Randall, Michael. T he Flam boyant Design o f Jean Lem aire de Beige’s La Concorde des deux langages. Sum m er 1988, 13-24. Rigolot, François & Sandra Sider. Fonctions de l’écriture em blém atique chez Rabelais. Sum m er 1988, 36-47. Runyon, Randolph, “ continuelz discors” : The Silent Discourse of Délie's Em blem s. Sum m er 1988, 58-67. Sider, Sandra & François Rigolot. Fonctions de l’écriture em blém atique chez Rabelais. Sum m er 1988, 36-47. Siebers, Tobin. Balzac and L iterature o f Belief. Fall 1988, 37-48. Swain, Virginia. Lum ières et Vision: Reflections on Sight and Seeing in 17th- and 18th-Century France. W inter 1988, 7-16. Trottein, Serge. D iderot et la philosophie du clair-obscur. W inter 1988, 107-20. Tsuquiashi-Daddesio, Eva. Le bruissem ent silencieux de la graphie dans “ Les fanfreluches antidot ées.” Sum m er 1988, 48-57. Vanpée, Janie. Jean-B aptiste Greuze: The D ram a o f L ooking. W inter 1988, 46-68. 126 W in t e r 1988 I n d e x W hiteside, A nna. Believe It or Not: Reading the Fantastic and Robbe-GriUet’s D jinn. Fall 1988, 79-88. Wine, Kathleen. Viewing Rom ance in La F ontaine’s Psyché. W inter 1988, 17-33. Reviews A rcham bault, Paul J. & M arianna M . M ustacchi, trans. & eds.: A Renaissance...

