The Rise of Respectability Politics
- Dissent
- University of Pennsylvania Press
- Volume 61, Number 1, Winter 2014
- pp. 33-37
- 10.1353/dss.2014.0010
- Article
- Additional Information
This past September, during the first week of school, seven-year old Tiana Parker wore dreadlocks tied in a bright pink bow to her school in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The Deborah Brown Community School, a charter school sponsored by the historically black college Langston University, sent Tiana home and told her parents that their child was in violation of a school policy prohibiting students from wearing “unusual hairstyles” that distract from the school’s “respectful” learning environment. Not only were “dreadlocks, Afros, Mohawks” and other so-called faddish styles banned from the school, the school’s handbook also instructed that girls’ “weaved hair should be no longer than shoulder length” and that boys’ hairstyles are “to be short and neatly trimmed.”