In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

WESTERN LITERATURE ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER ANNUAL M EETING The seventh annual meeting of the Western Literature Associ­ ation will be held at the Triangle X Ranch near Jackson, Wyo­ ming, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 5, 6, and 7, 1972. The guest of honor and luncheon speaker will be A. B. GUTHRIE, JR. CALL FOR PAPERS Members interested in presenting papers at the meeting should write to: Thomas J. Lyon, President The Western Literature Association English Department Utah State University Logan, Utah 84321 ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Executive Council, acting as nominating committee, will soon be sending out a ballot for electing a vice president and four members of the Executive Council. Any members of the Western iterature Association who have suggestions to make, should send the names of the members they would like to recommend for con­ sideration. Please send the names to the Executive Secretary not later than July 28. ...

