In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Western Literature Association Newsletter CALL FOR PAPERS The sixth annual meeting of the Western Literature Association will be Friday and Saturday, October 8-9, at Red Cloud, Nebraska, in W illa Cather country. Papers for presentation at this meeting are now being solicited. SugĀ­ gested length for a paper is ten pages, typed double-spaced. The following topics seem to be of particular interest, although others will be given equal consideration: W ILLA C ATH ER W R IG H T M O R R IS M A R I S A N D O Z JO H N G. N EIH A R D T FREDERICK M A N FR E D HERBERT KRAUSE C USTER N O VELS A M E R IC A N IN D IA N W R IT IN G LITERATURE O F THE PRAIRIE A N D PLAINS STATES D IST IN C T IO N S BETWEEN M ID W EST ER N A N D W ESTERN W R IT IN G Please send papers, the sooner the better, to: Dr. John R. Milton, President The Western Literature Association English Department University of South Dakota Vermillion, South Dakota 57069 ...

