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84 Western American Literature John Steinbecks A Concise Bibliography (1930-1965). By Tetsumaro Hayashi. (Metuchen, N. J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1967. 164 pages.) Frightened by Rose of Sharon’s breast, Tom Joad’s turtle, and Lennie’s rabbit, many teachers continue to present John Steinbeck as a sentimental naturalist. Interpreting all of his fiction in the light of a few remarks he makes in Sea of Cortez, they unceremoniously dunk him in the tide pool, hoping that he will drown among a menagerie of marine animals. Such a view of Steinbeck is, of course, obscurantist, but it is still prevalent in spite of the excellent work done by Peter Lisca, Warren French, and Joseph Fontenrose. More critical study is necessary, and perhaps that study can be stimulated and abetted by Tetsumaro Hayashi’s John Steinbeck: A Concise Bibliography (1930-1965). As Warren French writes in his introduction to this excellent bibliography: “Since the assessment of the world that Stein­ beck has made is far from settled, it is especially important that we have tools that will acquaint newly recruited laborers with the scope and present status of the task.” Hayashi’s work is not exhaustive, for he does not list the editions and criticisms of Steinbeck which have appeared in language other than English. Even so, this bibliography is the most comprehensive yet to appear. Especially helpful, among the primary material, is the section listing and locating the Steinbeck manuscripts. The sections devoted to secondary material are thorough enough to make the scholar’s task infinitely easier. Warren French states that Hayashi is a “visitor to our country” who “has perceived a need that we have been too distractedly busy to fill ourselves.” We should be thankful for the visit. Bascom W allis, Colorado State University ...

