In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Appreciations
  • Abu N. M. Wahid, Managing Editor

We gratefully appreciate the contributions of the subscribers, publishers (donating books), well wishers, editorial advisers, authors, and above all the following referees who spent their valuable time to review manuscripts for the JDA: Shahnaz Abdullah of the University of Massachusetts- Boston; Minh Dao of Eastern Illinois University; Jayoti Das of Elon University, Qazi Adnan Hye of IOBM, Zaheer Kakar of National University of Modern Languages; Nicholas Lash of Loyola University; Yana Rodgers of Rutgers University, M. Hanif Talukder of Elizabeth City State University; Alexanderos Theodoris of Aristotle University of Thessaliniki; Dimitrios Thomakos of the University of Peloponnese; Okayay Ucan of Nidge University; Rene van Eyden of the University of Pretoria.

We also appreciate the contributions of our Graduate Assistant, Samuel Adams toward the production of this issue.


