In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Awards

The Walter Sullivan Prize
for achievement
in the criticism of fiction in 2013
is being awarded to
David Heddendorf.
The Andrew Lytle Fiction Prize
for the best story published
in this magazine in 2013
is being awarded to
Michael Beeman
for "The Sleeping Saints."
The Allen Tate Poetry Prize
for the finest poetry published
in this magazine in 2013
is being awarded to
Bruce Bond
for Old Confusions.
The Robert B. Heilman Prize
for excellence in book reviewing
in this magazine in 2013
is being awarded to
Merritt Moseley.
The Monroe K. Spears Essay Prize
for the finest essay published
in this magazine in 2013
is being awarded to
Edwin M. Yoder Jr.
for "Intestine Shock: A Comparative Study of Civil Wars." [End Page 1]


