In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Index, Volume XXXI (1991) Articles Alter, Jean. “ Du ludibrique.” Winter 1991, 6-11. Baetens, Jan. “ Jean Paulhan et le discours analogique.” Summer 1991, 30-38. Barnett, Richard-Laurent. “ L’hyper-auto-représentation racinienne.” Summer 1991, 14-21. ______ “ Metatextualities.” Summer 1991, 3-4. Bauer, George H. “ Met(s)atextualité poétique: Les biographèmes de Roland Barthes.” Summer 1991, 68-75. Bishop, Michael. “ Vérité et indicible dans la poésie contemporaine.” Summer 1991, 58-67. Booker, John T. “ Starting at the End in Eugénie Grandet,” Fall 1991, 38-48. Bucher, Gérard. “ L’au-delà du réel: A propos de ‘La mauvaise direction’ d ’Alain Robbe-Grillet.” Summer 1991, 76-84. Chambers, Ross. “ Misogyny and Cultural Denial (Balzac’s Autre étude de fem m e).” Fall 1991, 5-14. Chevillot, Frédérique, “ Le Jeu de la règle.” Winter 1991, 12-21. Crowell, Steven Galt. “D ifferend Notice: Philosophy as a Genre.” Spring 1991, 77-89. Fischler, Alexander. “ Distance and Narrative Perspective in Balzac’s Facino C ane” Fall 1991, 15-25. Ireland, Susan. “ The Comic World of Jacques Roubaud.” Winter 1991, 22-31. Kauffmann, R. Lane. “ Guest Editor’s Introduction.” Spring 1991, 7-14. ______ . “ The Ends of a Genre.” Spring 1991, 62-76. Kellman, Steven G. “La Peste: Infected by the Bacillus of Self-Consciousness.” Summer 1991, 22-29. Kline, T. Jefferson. “ Degrees of Play in Butor’s Degrés.” Winter 1991, 32-40. Lévy, Sydney. “ A la recherche du savon perdu...” Winter 1991, 41-50. Lindsay, Cécile. “ Lyotard and the Postmodern Body.” Spring 1991, 33-47. Lyotard, Jean-François. “ Prescription.” Spring 1991, 15-32. ______ “ Europe, the Jews and the B ook.” Spring 1991, 158-61. Maranhao, Tullio. “ Invitation to an Anthropology Party.” Spring 1991, 131-43. Mortimer, Arm ine Kotin. “ Writing Modeste M ignon.” Fall 1991, 26-37. M otte, Warren F., Jr. “ Literary Ludics.” Winter 1991, 3-5. ______ . “ Temptations of the Flesh.” Winter 1991, 51-58. Muratore, M. J. “ Fiction Triumphant: Illusions of History in La Princesse de Clèves.” Summer 1991, 5-13. Pasco, Allan H. “ Balzac’s Second-Rate M use.” Fall 1991, 67-77. ______ . “ Introduction.” Fall 1991, 3-4. Prado, Plinio Walder, Jr. “ The Necessity of Contingency: Remarks on Linkage.” Spring 1991, 90-106. Pugh, A nthony R. “ Balzac’s La Muse du département '. The Status of Fiction.” Fall 1991, 60-66. Rogozinski, Jacob. “ Lyotard: Differend, Presence.” Spring 1991, 107-21. Schehr, Lawrence R. “ Quoin of the Realm: La M use du département.” Fall 1991, 78-87. Sears, Dianne E. “ The Two-Way Text: Ponge’s Metapoetic ‘Fable.* ” Summer 1991, 50-57. Thomas, Cheryl L. “La Cousine Bette and the House Divided.” Fall 1991, 49-59. Thomas, Jean-Jacques. “ Débris et chuchotements.” Winter 1991, 59-68. Tomiche, Anne. “ Lyotard’s Freud.” Spring 1991, 48-61. Tyler, Stephen A . “ Presenter (Dis)play.” Spring 1991, 122-30. Van Den Abbeele, Georges. “Algérie l’intraitable'. Lyotard’s National Front.” Spring 1991, 144-57. Wells, Gwendolyn. “ Deviant Games.” Winter 1991, 69-77. Winspur, Steven. “ Valéry’s Meta-formalism.” Summer 1991, 39-49. Reviews Bartfeld, Fernande. L 'E ffet tragique: Essai sur le tragique dans l ’œuvre de Camus—Joseph Sungolowsky . Summer 1991, 87-88. Benjamin, Andrew, ed. The Lyotard Reader— Steven Ungar. Spring 1991, 168-69. Bennington, Geoffrey. Lyotard— Writing the Event—Alexander Gelley, Spring 1991, 169-71. Vol. XXXI, No. 4 85 L ’E s pr it C r éa te u r Brombert, Victor. The Hidden Reader: Stendhal, Balzac, Hugo, Baudelaire, Flaubert— James J. Baran. Fait 1991, 93-94. Bûcher, Gérard. L a Vision et l’énigme— Lawrence R. Schehr. Fall 1991, 91-92. Carroll, David. Paraesthetics: Foucault, Lyotard, Derrida—Robert Con Davis. Spring 1991, 171-72. Fitch, Brian T. Beckett and Babel: A n Investigation into the Statue o f the Bilingual Work—Patricia A. Struebig. Winter 1991, 84. Gobineau, Arthur de. Voyage à Terre-Neuve—Françoise M. Taylor. Summer 1991, 86-87. Goldsmith, Elizabeth C., ed. Writing the Female Voice: Essays on Epistolary Literature—Sylvie Romanowski. Fall 1991, 92-93. Heimonet, Jean-Michel. De la révolte à l’exercice. Essai sur l ’hédonisme contemporain...

