In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Fore-skin and After-imagePhotographic Fetishism in Tournier’s Fiction
  • Emily Apter
Emily Apter
Williams College


1. Georges Didi-Huberman, “The Index of the Absent Wound (Monograph on a Stain),” October No. 29 (Summer 1984): 65.

2. I am grateful to Marshall C. Olds for his suggested revisions of an original draft of this essay.

3. Michel Tournier, Le Coq de bruyère (Paris: Gallimard, 1978).

3. Michel Tournier, Le Coq de bruyère (Paris: Gallimard, 1978).

4. Tournier, Des clefs et des serrures (Paris: Chêne/Hachette, 1979), p. 92.

5. Masud R. Khan, “Le fétichisme comme négation du soi,” Nouvelle Revue de Psychanalyse No. 2 (Autumn 1970): 88.

6. Tournier, Le Vagabond immobile (Paris: Gallimard, 1984), p. 95.

7. Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams, Standard Edition (New York: Avon Books, 1965), p. 394.

8. Didier Anzieu, Le Moi-peau (Paris: Bordas, 1985).

9. Tournier, Le Roi des aulnes (Paris: Gallimard/Folio, 1970), p. 78.


