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Abstracts of Papers and Posters Presented 2000 APCG Meeting, Areata, California Erin A igner and M ike Engelm ann, University of Oregon. Creating Atlas Graphics. The University of Oregon Geography Departm ent is collaborating in a joint effort with Allan C artography of M edford, Oregon to design and publish an updated, second edition, Atlas of Oregon. The UO InfoGraphics Lab, in particular, has assum ed the prim ary role in producing m aps and related graphics for the Econom ic G eography section of the Atlas. The three major areas of the design process are data compilation, GIS processing, and graphic output. Through a variety of projects, the UO InfoGraphics Lab has established w orking relationships w ith m any state agencies and other governm ental bodies. These relationships have proven useful in gathering a broad base of source data for the Atlas of Oregon Project. Data that are not already in GIS-compatible form ats m ust be pre-processed and converted to shapefiles using ESRI ArcView software to ensure all data are in the same projection and base inform ation com patibility. The shapefiles are then im ported into M acrom edia FreeH and using Avenza MaPublisher. FreeHand then is used to design the finished m aps, as well as charts and graphs from associated tabular data. The UO InfoGraphics Lab also uses FreeHand to create prelim inary layouts w ith these m aps and graphics. The layouts then are forw arded to Allan C artography (known for Raven M aps and Benchmark Atlases) for final page layout design, color processing, and printing. The Atlas of Oregon, 2nd edition, will go to press Sum mer 2001. Poster Stuart C. Aitken, San Diego State University. Playing with Children: Social Reproduction and the Immediacy of Fieldwork. This paper touches on some personal lessons I've learnt from fieldwork with children. W orking with children opens up interesting "w ays of know ing" that are sometimes not im m ediately accessible to adults. It also brings with it a set of responsibilities and ethics that often go beyond those prescribed by com m ittees for the protection of hum an subjects. Children have particular kinds of savvy that can undermine research questions, and their field experiences engender issues that are sometimes far rem oved from w hat w e expect. The paper converges on the im portance of accep tin g our responsibilities for the im m ediate reciprocal relationships w e develop with children in our work. Sebastian A raya, Humboldt State University. Cartography and the Art of Data Communication: Bringing Chile closer to Chileans. N ow adays, w ords like "G IS," "dem ographic inform ation," "w eb p age,” "territorial information 177 178 APCG YEARBOOK •Volume 63 • 2001 system s," and so on can be heard around the hallways of the parliam ent of Chile. The different organism s of the Congress have realized that all these w ords uphold enorm ous capabilities of giving and retrieving m ore accurate territorial information. In addition, the high speed at w hich these system s can process data situates GIS and the like as the perfect tool to help the congressm en in their decision-making process. The library of the national congress of Chile (BCN) has been exploring these tools, aim ing at the goal of becoming the best public source for geographic data in the country. H ow ever, sometimes the excitement that new tools generate can cause older geographic concepts to be overlooked. The regional cartography of Chile offered by BCN's web page is an excellent exam ple of the latter. All m aps shown in their web page lacked the minimal internal organization necessary to accurately portray the territorial reality of the country. M y project, conducted during the sum m er of 2000, was to bring the basic concepts of cartography to the aid of the GIS software, enhancing and reviving their default (and faulty) m aps. This "re­ m apping" of Chile was a process that included all the steps and elements of traditional cartography. Once the process w as started, the differences between the old and the new m aps m...

