In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

APCG YEARBOOK • VOLUME 52 • 1990 233 EDITORIAL NOTES A decreasing share of papers submitted to thisjournal are derived from papers presented at the Association's annual meetings. We do not deplore this trend, because theYearbookcontinuesto serveasapublication opentoallgeographersand other scholars writing on themes of interest to the Association's membership. We do seek to strengthen the Yearbook's main role as the publication where the best papers of our lively annual meetings appear. Please, dear APCG members, think of us firstwhen you polish and submit the fine papers thatcontinue to be presented each year. Many excellentpapers werepresentedatthe Fairbanks meeting, yet this issue contains but two of them. We look forwardto receiving andpublishing more. A few of the annual meeting participants have taken advantage of our offer to publishrevised versions oftheirabstracts. We will continuepublishingall abstracts of papers presented at APCG meetings. Please take care to make your abstract succinct and substantive in the original submission to the meeting’s Program Committee and in any reworked version sent to the journal after the meeting. We are pleased to present in this issue the first installment of what will be a complete set of biographies of geography departments in the Pacific Northwest. Theremainderofthefifteen essays will appearinthe 1991 and 1992 issues. We join Professor Ed Price in hoping that the results will increase awareness of the record of growth and excellence of scholarly geography in this region's institutions of higher education. We also hope that this project stimulates a similar effort in departments throughout the APCG region. This is anappropriate time toexpress ourappreciation to the staffof theOregon StateUniversity Press for their continued efforts on behalfof this organization and thisjournal. Inparticular, thanks are due to Jo Alexander. Jo reads and edits all of thecopy foreach issue. She coordinates theOSU Press'seffortin selecting aprinter and, six weeks later, distributing the issues. In all of our interactions with her we find evidence of cheerfulness, enthusiasm for the task, great professional compe­ tence, and high standards for the use of language and for the graphic design of the journal. Itis ourfondhope thatherassociation with theAPCG continues for agreat many more issues. Robin Datel Dennis Dingemans ...

