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  • Index

aesthetics, 113–14

Agamben, Giorgio, xii, 132–33, 139–49, 151, 153, 156–58, 197n6, 198n7, 199n20, 200n22, 200n25, 200n26, 201n30, 202n31; The Coming Community, 144, 148

Akiva, 93

alienation, 81

Allen, James, 89

Allen, Sarah, x

animal nature, 66–70, 72–73, 88, 199n20, 200n24, 201n30

antinaturalistic humanism, 65–66, 71–73, 88

Aquinas, Thomas, 200n24

Arendt, Hannah, 22

Aristotle, 54, 57, 58, 90, 140–42, 148, 161

art, 23

atheism, 40–41, 182n14

Atterton, Peter, ix

authority, 162–69, 175–76, 203n14

autonomy, 61, 74, 76–77, 94, 173, 174, 191n8

bad conscience, 84–86

Beethoven, Ludwig van, Fidelio, 59

Being: beyond, 29–32, 35, 43, 46; as clearing, 39; and depersonalization, 32–34; Heidegger on, 31–33, 36–43, 45, 48–51, 54–55, 63; language and, 39, 42, 48–49; Levinas on, 31–32, 40, 43, 48. See also being

being: as gift, 56–57, 61–64; subjective, 32–33; thankfulness for, 56, 60, 64. See also Being

being-thus, 133, 145–51, 153–56, 158

Benjamin, Walter, 132, 144, 197n6, 200n22, 200n25, 200n26, 202n31

Benso, Silvia, 184n29

Bergo, Bettina, 197n3

Bergson, Henri, 136–39, 199n17

Bernasconi, Robert, 84

beyond Being, 29–32, 35, 43, 46. See also transcendence

Blanchot, Maurice, xii, 113–30; aesthetics and, 113–14; Thomas l’Obscur, 130; The Writing of the Disaster, 114–15, 117, 119, 126, 128, 130

Bloch, Ernst, 207n50

Bloechl, Jeffrey, 198n12, 199n18, 199n19

Brunschvicg, Léon, ix, 2–3

Burke, Edmund, 163

Casper, Bernhard, x–xi

Cassirer, Ernst, x, 2

categorical imperative, 67

Celan, Paul, xii, 95, 96–104, 110; “Gegenlicht,” 100, 192n17; “Lob der Ferne” (Praise of Distance), 96–104, 111, 191n11, 192n17; “Psalm,” 192n18

Chalier, Catherine, 76

Christianity, 55–56, 64, 105, 146–48. See also religion

Cohen, Hermann, 20, 56, 185n10

Cohen, Richard, 25

communication, 155, 164–66. See also language

conatus, 62, 81, 172–73

conscience, 84–86

consciousness, 21, 54. See also self-consciousness

Cools, Arthur, xii [End Page 211]

creation, 90–91

Critchley, Simon, 81, 113, 190n31, 194n3

critique, 164–68, 176–77

curvature of intersubjective space, 10, 12

Darwin, Charles, 82

Dasein. See Being; being

death, 130

De la Durantaye, Leland, 197n6, 200n22, 200n26, 200n27, 202n31

Deleuze, Gilles, 10

Delhomme, Jeanne, 202n33

depersonalization, 32–34

Derrida, Jacques, 149, 159–60, 184n28, 201n28; L’animal que donc je suis, 129; “Violence and Metaphysics,” 159–60

Descartes, René, 36, 38, 46, 54, 140

desire, 11–12

diachrony, 90, 138, 152–53

dignity of humans, 66–69

discourse, 91

discursive universality, 107, 109. See also universalism

dogs, and ethics, 66–69

Ebner, Ferdinand, 53

Eckhart, Meister, x–xi, 57–60

Eisenstadt, Oona, 90

election, 122–23, 129, 150–51, 201n29

enjoyment, 11, 32, 122

Enlightenment, 162

ethics: aesthetics vs., 113–14; animal behavior and, 66–70; conscience and, 84–86; God and, 77–78, 79; Heidegger and, 48–51, 182n13, 183n26, 184n29; human nature and, 73–74, 80–81; inspiration and, 151–54; Kant and Levinas compared on, 75–78; Levinas’s step back from, 160; and meaning, 51; and metaphysics, 36, 159; morality in relation to, 166–67; ontology and, vii, xii, xiii, 35, 65, 66, 79–82; and the Other, viii, xii, 15–16, 26–27, 35, 44–45; politics and, 161, 175; priority of, 35–36, 65; rationality and, vii, ix, 66–67; religion and, vii–viii, 36, 78, 133–34, 151, 157–58, 198n8, 198n12; Ricoeur and, 167–69; Rosenzweig’s, 17–20, 24, 28; source of, 76; uncertainties concerning, 44–45

evil, 73–74, 76, 174

Exodus, book of, 67–68

expression, 10–11, 13–15

face of the Other: as expression, 13–15; and human essence, 9; impact of, viii, 44–45; presentation of, 15–16; Rosenzweig’s work and, 17–21, 19, 24–27; and the sacred, 19–20; and speech, 56; vulnerability of, viii, 72. See also Other, the

fatherhood, 57

Felstiner, John, 89

Fidelio (Ludwig van Beethoven), 59

Fink, Eugen, 202n33

firm lastingness, 21–22

Forget, Philippe, 204n18

Fox, Christopher, xii

freedom: heteronomy and, 61, 76; and human nature, 74; Kant’s conception of, 74; responsibility and, 75, 82–83

Frege, Gottlob, 13

Frost, Robert, 97

Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 53, 162–65, 175...

