Duquesne University Press
  • Index

Abdiel, 154-57

Abraham, 50, 134-35, 143-45

ac, 5-6

active intellect, 85

Adam: blame for, 41-42; companionship for, 225-29, 232; description of, 189-90, 191; divorce and natural law and, 70-71; gender hierarchy and, 44, 104-05; imagined pilgrimage of, 128-34; lot of, 101-02; marriage and, 42-43, 46-48, 59-67, 72-79; positive law and, 79-99; proportionality and, 113-17, 121-23; titles and, 48-59; wandering of, 138-46

Addison, Joseph, 41-42, 48, 185, 186-88, 269n45

address, terms of, 48-59, 266n29, 267nn32-35

Aeneid (Virgil), 33

agency, 89-90, 92, 95, 109, 245-46

Ainsworth, Henry, 195

Alberti, Leon Battisti, 33

Alexander, John, 121

allusion: in Lycidas, 30; to Scripture in De doctrina Christiana, 10-13

Alsop, Vincent, 108

Alsted, Johann Heinrich, 281n32

altars, 131

Ames, William, 7, 85, 258n7, 273n19

architectural design, 32-37

Areopagitica (Milton), 129, 169, 301n44

Aristotle, 185-87, 189, 191, 298n14, 301n47

arithmetical proportion, 120-21, 123

Arnold, Elias, 292n22

art, horror and, 251

Ascham, Anthony, 82-83

Attridge, Derek, 22, 259n2

Auden, W. H., 307n7

Augustine, 146

authority, of husbands, 45, 62-65

autonomy, 89-90, 95

Bale, John, 292n22

banner, 165, 170, 295n46

Banners of the Parliamentary Army, in the time of Charles I, with the Arms of the Captains, 171

Barker, A. E., 24

Beardsley, Monroe, 183

"Beech" (Frost), 220-22, 223, 306n22

Belial, 111, 241

Bellarmine, Robert, 160-61, 162

Bennett, Joan, 64, 264n4

Bentley, Richard, 184, 185, 188-93, 199

Bernard, Richard, 292n22

Bible: English commentaries on, 300n36; scholars of, 194-96, 199-200, 201; understanding, 197; A Witness Tree and, 220-22

biblical hermeneutics, 185

Blake, William, 127, 128, 240

blank verse, 242

Bodin, Jean, 119

Book of Common Prayer, 153, 161

Book of Sir John Mandeville, The, 127

Bordeaux pilgrim, 132

boundaries, 221-22

Braun, Friederike, 266n29

Brightman, Thomas, 167, 168

Brooks, Cleanth, 196-97

building, 32-37

Bunyan, John, 130, 145

Burroughs, Edward, 296n47

Butler, Samuel, 37

Caird, George, 10

Campbell, Gordon, 32-33

canonization of Milton, 205-06

Carey, John, 3, 245

Carter, Thomas, 45, 265n11, 270n50

Casey, Edward, 239, 248, 308n12, 311n39

catastrophes: Kearney on images of, 251; perception and responses to, 236-39

Catholic Church, 160-62, 176

celestial war. See war in heaven

chance, 112

Chaos, 280n30

Charles I, 173, 178, 263n40

Charles II, 174 [End Page 313]

Christ Militant, 163

citizens' rights and citizenship, 80-81, 273n19

classical literary criticism, 186-93

classicization of Milton, 205-06

Cleaver, Robert, 49

clergymen, lot and inheritance of, 105-09

clerus, 105

Cleveland, John, 170

close reading, 182-85

commands, in positive law, 86-87, 91

commutative justice, 121

companionship, 225-29, 232

composition, Miltonic, 32-37

conduct literature, 265n14

conscience, liberty of, 65-66

Constantine, 132-33, 168

construction, 32-37

contingency, 108-09, 111-13

Copley, Lionel, 295n46

Cotterill, Henry, 21

Cranmer, Thomas, 168

Creaser, John, 259n2, 260n13

Cromwell, Oliver, 170-79, 296nn51-52

Cromwell, Thomas, 168

Crowley, Robert, 265n14

Daines, Simon, 19

Danielson, Dennis, 276n44

Dante, 306n23

"darkling," 209-11, 213

Davies, Sir John, 272n14

De civilitate morum puerilium (Erasmus), 49, 265n14

De doctrina Christiana (Milton): allusion to Scripture in, 10-13; celestial and sublunary wars in, 149, 169, 178; editions of, 3-4; epistolary approach to, 7-9; etymological proof in, 13-15; linguistic or philological approach to, 4-7; lots in, 107-08; marriage and divorce in, 74; positive law and, 79-80

Defoe, Daniel, 303n4

Dekker, Thomas, 267n35

Deleuze, Gilles, 248-49

DeLillo, Don. See Falling Man (DeLillo)

Dent, Arthur, 130, 292n23

Devereux, Robert, third Earl of Essex, 170

discipleship, 135-38

divorce: Milton on, 45-46, 60; natural law and, 70-79; positive law and, 79-99

Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, The (Milton), 74-77, 271n12, 273n16

Dod, John, 49

Donne, John, 261n15

Drew, Richard, 247, 310n31

Dryden, John, 205, 302n1, 302n2, 302n3, 303n4, 305n15

dulia, 162, 166

Du Moulin, Pierre, 292n23

Eagleton, Terry, 297n7, 298n8

Edwards, Philip, 143

Egeria, 131-32

Elements of Architecture (Wotton), 34

Eliot, T. S., 182, 299n24

Elizabeth I, 168

Embleme of Englands Distractions, The (Faithorne), 174-77

Empson, William, 183, 184, 187, 298nn9-10

English civil wars, 151, 167-79

epistles: pastoral, 10; of Paul, 7-9, 11-13

Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot (Pope), 206-08

equality and inequality: lots and, 102-04, 113-17; of men and women, 43-45, 54-55, 65, 104-05; pre- and postlapsarian, 117-19; in social relationships, 119-23

Erasmus, Desiderius, 49, 265n14

erring, 244

Essex, Robert Devereux, third Earl of, 170

et, 5-6

Eve: blame for, 41-42; as companion, 225-29, 232; description of, 190-91; divorce and natural law and, 70-71; gender hierarchy and, 44, 104-05; lot of, 101-02; marriage and, 42-43, 46-48, 59-67, 72-79, 268n43; positive law and, 79-99; proportionality and, 119-23; temptation of, 113-14; titles and, 48-59; wandering of, 138-46

"Event Horizon" (Gormley), 254

exile, 143, 288n61

Explanatory Notes and Remarks on "Paradise Lost" (Richardson), 193

extraordinary lots, 109-10

Fabri, Felix, 136

Faithorne, William, 174-77

Fall: blame for, 41-42; effect of, on marriage, 77-78; gender hierarchy and, 104-05; justice preceding, 121; as narrative of descent, 239-46; positive law and, 90-99; as sin of theft, 80, 83-85

Falling Man (DeLillo): and Fall as narrative of descent, 239-46; intertextuality of, 246-47; narrative of, 247-53; Paradise Lost and, 235-36, 253-55; and responding to disaster, 236-39

Fall of the Rebel Angels, The (Rubens), 155-57 [End Page 314]

Fallon, Stephen, 72

fate, contingency and, 108-09, 111-12

feet, 127

Fish, Stanley, 31, 144, 150, 243-44, 277n47, 288n55

food, sharing, 134-35

footprints, 127, 135-36

fornication, 271n7

Forsyth, Neil, 23, 31, 309n24

fountains, as holy sites, 132

Fowler, Alastair, 134, 140, 146, 270n48, 287n50

Fox, George, 172

Foxe, John, 141

Franciscus Junius, 33

Frankl, Viktor, 246

freedom, recovering, 235-36, 238

free will, 89-90, 92, 95, 109, 245-46

Frost, Robert, 209, 220-34, 302n1, 306n25

Fuller, Thomas, 20-21

Further narrative of the passages of these times in the Common-wealth of England, A, 173

Gabriel, lots and, 109-11

Gataker, Thomas, 106-07, 108

gender hierarchy: lots and, 104-05; marriage and, 43-45, 54-65; Rogers on, 266n23; terms of address and, 266n23, 267nn33-35. See also hierarchies, lots and

geometrical proportion, 120-21

George, Saint, 295n45

Gill, Alexander, 19, 259n8

Gillespie, George, 106

Girard, René, 237

God: lots as will of, 102-03, 105-09, 117-19; property of, 80, 83-85; speeches of, in celestial war, 162-64; vision of, 135-37

Gormley, Andrew, 254

Gouge, William: on husbandly authority, 63, 64-65; on marital hierarchy, 61, 62; on marriage, 43; on subjection, 45; on submission of wives, 64; on terms of address in marriage, 50-52

Gregory of Nyssa, 137-38

Grossman, Marshall, 238n42

Grotius, Hugo, 81-82

Guillory, John, 183

Guylforde, Sir Richard, 131

hairesis, 13, 14-15

Hall, Donald, 260n14

Haller, Malleville, 43, 47

Haller, William, 43, 47

Hammond, Henry, 201

Hawkins, Francis, 265n14

Headlam, James Wycliffe, 277n2

Heavenly Foot-Man (Bunyan), 145

Hephaestus, 243-45

heresy, 14-15

hierarchies, lots and, 103-04. See also gender hierarchy

Hill, Christopher, 294n34

Hobbes, Thomas, 118-19

Holland, Hezekiah, 292n23

Hollander, John, 261n20

Holy Land, 127-28, 131-32, 135-36

holy sites, 131, 132

Homer, 187

Horace, 185-86

horror, art and, 251

Housman, A. E., 188

Howe, Irving, 188, 299n24

Hughes, Lewes, 153, 157

Hume, Patrick, 300n32

Hutchinson, Lucy, 173-74

Hymn to Mercury, 217-18

Il mondo creato (Tasso), 25

imagination, transcendental, 308n12

imagining, Casey on, 248, 311n39

imperfections, reformation and, 35-36

inequality. See equality and inequality

influence of Milton: on Frost, 220-34; introduction to, 205-06; on Keats, 209-14; on Pope, 206-09; on Shelley, 214-20

intellectus agens, 85

invention, Miltonic, 32-37

Israel, 145

Israelite tribes, 117-19

ius gentium, 272n14

Jackson, Thomas, 108-09, 121

Jacob, 220-21, 222

Jarvis, Simon, 37

Jerome, Saint, 133, 285n31

Jesus Christ: exaltation of, 164-67; footprints of, 135-36; Michael and, 152-53, 157-59, 178, 290n12, 291n13; in war in heaven, 153-55, 291n14

Johnson, Samuel, 17, 240

Junius, Franciscus, 33

Junod, Tom, 310n31

Kahn, Victoria, 103

Kant, Immanuel, 308n12

Kauffman, Linda, 247

Kearney, Richard, 251, 310n28, 312n43

Keats, John, 209-14, 302n1, 304n9, 304nn11-13

Keeble, N. H., 145

Keightley, Thomas, 18

Kelley, Maurice, 3-4, 7-8

Kennedy, George, 298n14

Key of the Revelation, The (Mede), 168

Kietzman, Mary Jo, 269n45 [End Page 315]

Knight, G. Wilson, 31

Knoppers, Laura Lunger, 20, 170-72, 296nn51-52

Laban, 220-21, 222

labor, 87-89

Lamb, Charles, 32

language, 301n47

latria, 162, 166

law of nations, 272n14

Lawrence, Henry, 290n6

Lawry, Jon S., 27-28

Leavis, F. R., 182, 299n24

Le Bossu, René, 185-86

Leonard, John, 270n48, 288n54

Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 246, 252, 310n28, 312n43

Lewalski, Barbara, 65, 144

liberty vs. equality, 103, 116

Lieb, Michael, 275n36

literary appreciation, 6-7

literary criticism, Paradise Lost and: conclusions on, 202; interpretation in, 193-202; introduction to, 181-85; judgment in, 185-93. See also Paradise Lost (Milton)

Loewenstein, David, 178

logic, in literary criticism, 191-92

Longinus, 186, 298n13

lots: gender hierarchy and, 104-05; overview of, 101-04; in Paradise Lost, 109-13; pre- and postlapsarian equality and, 117-19; proportionality and, 113-17, 119-23; sixteenth century views on, 278n4; as will of God, 105-09

love, marital, 99

Lucan, 187

Luther, Martin, 195, 197, 301n38

Luxon, Thomas H., 17

Lycidas (Milton): composition of, 32-37; meter of, 19-23; structure of, 17-19; verse paragraph in, 23-32

MacCaffrey, Isabel Gamble, 287n50

MacCallum, Hugh, 269n46

Manchester, Edward Montague, second Earl of, 170

marriage: of Adam and Eve, 268n43; gender hierarchy and, 43-45, 56-59; Milton's ideal for, 60-65; in Paradise Lost, 46-48; positive law and, 79-99; as property, 69-79; Rogers on, 266n23; terms of address in, 48-56, 267n32. See also divorce

Marshall, David, 185

Mars-Jones, Adam, 247

Matthias, 105-06

McColley, Diane, 42

meal sharing, 134-35

Mede, Joseph, 167, 168-69

meter, 19-24, 261n20

Michael: characterization of, 151-54; Cromwell and, 170-79; English civil wars and, 167-70; introduction to war in heaven and, 147-51; Jesus Christ and, 157-67, 290n12, 291n13; juxtaposition with Abdiel, 154-57; Saint George and, 295n45; Urban VIII and, 293n26

military banner, 165, 170, 295n46

millenarianism, 151, 167-70, 174-78, 294n33

Milton: A Poem (Blake), 127, 128

Mitchell, W. J. T., 238, 310n32

mixed metaphors, 199-200

Il mondo creato (Tasso), 25

Montague, Edward, second Earl of

Manchester, 170

morality, in system of hierarchies, 103

Morandi, Giorgio, 236, 237, 238, 239

More, William, 261n16

Mosaic law: divorce under, 73-75, 77; positive law and, 86

Moses, 117-19, 136-37

"Most of It, The" (Frost), 220, 224-27, 232

mountains, as holy sites, 132

Mulciber, 243-45

Muller, Richard A., 300n36

names, as terms of address, 49, 50, 57, 267nn34-35

Naomi, 144

nations, law of, 272n14

natural law: Asham on, 82-84; divorce and, 70-79; Grotius on, 81-82; positive law and, 79, 86-92, 96-98, 99; Selden on, 85-86

Natura morta (Morandi), 236, 237, 238

nec non, 4-5

"Never Again Would Birds' Song Be the Same" (Frost), 220, 224, 227-29

New Criticism, 182-83, 196, 198, 297n7, 298n8, 299n24

Niccholes, Alexander, 44, 46

obedience, 86-88, 90-91, 92, 123

"Ode to a Nightingale" (Keats), 209-14

"Ode to Liberty" (Shelley), 218-20

On the Sublime (Longinus), 298n13

ordinary lots, 109-10

original sin, 80

overinterpretation, 6-7

Owen, John, 109

ownership. See property and possession

Paradise Lost (Milton): Adam's imagined pilgrimage in, 128-29; architectural images in, 36; blame in, [End Page 316] 41-42; characterization of Michael in, 151-54; divorce and natural law and, 70-71; English civil wars and, 167-79; equality and proportionality in, 113-17; exaltation of Christ in, 164-67; and Fall as narrative of descent, 239-46; Falling Man and, 235-36, 253-55; gender hierarchy and lots in, 104-05; ideal marital behavior in, 46-48; introduction to war in heaven in, 147-51; juxtaposition of Abdiel and Michael in, 154-57; Keats and, 209-10; lots in, 101-04, 109-13; marriage and, 42-43, 59-67, 69-70; Michael and Jesus Christ in, 157-64; natural law and, 86-88; pilgrimage in, 127-28; place pilgrimage in, 130-35; Pope and, 206-08; pre- and postlapsarian equality and, 117-19; proportionality and, 119-23; propriety in marriage and, 72-79; and responding to disaster, 236-39; and rights of spouses and citizens, 81; seventeenth century views on lots and, 105-09; Shelley and, 214-20; titles in, 48-59; vision of God and, 135-38; wandering in, 138-46; A Witness Tree and, 223, 224-34. See also literary criticism, Paradise Lost and

Pareus, David, 292n23

Parini, Jay, 306n22

Parker, Henry, 274n26

Paul, epistles of, 7-9, 11-13

Paulinus of Nola, 133, 136

Pearce, Zachary, 184, 185, 193-94, 195, 202, 298n10

perception, 236-38

peregrini, 288n61

Perkins, William, 45, 46

Phillips, Edward, 258n7, 303n4

pilgrimage: Adam's imagined, 128-29; antagonism toward, 129-30; exile as, 288n61; in Paradise Lost, 127-28; place, in Paradise Lost, 130-35; vision of God and, 135-38; wandering and, 138-46

Pilgrim's Progress (Bunyan), 130

place, attachment to, 128-29

place pilgrimage, 130-35

Plaine Mans Path-Way to Heaven (Dent), 130

Plato, 121

Poole, Matthew, 195, 199-200

pope, 160-61

Pope, Alexander, 206-09, 302n1

positive law, 70, 71, 79-99

Powell, Mary, 60

Presbyterianism, priestly lot in, 106, 107, 108

primary matter, 25

prohibition, positive law and, 86-87

property and possession: Asham on, 82-84; Fall as sin against, 80; Grotius on, 81-82; marriage as, 69-79, 94, 96; Milton on, 84-85; Selden on, 85-86

proportionality, 113-17, 119-23

Protestantism, 141-42, 145, 159-61, 263n40

Pruitt, Kristin, 269n44

Puritanism, 45-46

purity, 141-42

-que, 5-6

Raphael, 157, 158

Rapin, René, 186

raw material, 25

reason, 91-92, 94, 99, 191-92

Reason for Church-Government (Milton), 106

"redress," 182

reformation, Milton on, 35-36

"Religions" (Vaughan), 134-35

repetition, 241-42, 268n41

reproduction, 115

Review of the Text of the Twelve Books of Milton's "Paradise Lost" (Pearce), 193

rhyme: in Lycidas, 24, 29-30; in Paradise Lost, 242

rhythm: meter and, 19-23, 261n20; verse and, 23-24, 31

Richards, I. A., 183, 297n6

Richardson, Jonathan, 32, 185, 193, 194, 196-202

Riches, Samantha, 295n45

Ricks, Christopher, 141, 182, 201

Rogers, Daniel, 270n52, 270n55

Rogers, John, 266n23, 268n43, 273n17, 277n46

Romans, 7-9, 11-13

Rosenblatt, Jason P., 93, 273n15, 279n11

Rubens, Peter Paul, 155-57

Rumrich, John, 36

Ruth, 144

Sabbath, marriage and, 79-80

saints, 294n34

Saintsbury, George, 260n9

St. Michael Confounding the Devil (Raphael), 158

Sanhedrin, 117-18

Sarah (wife of Abraham), 50, 267n33

Satan: combats with Michael and Abdiel, 154-57; depicted as cleric, 106; description of, 192; fall of, 240-46; as god, 157-59; lots and, 101-02, 110-13; proportionality and, 116-17; tempts Eve, 90-91, 122-23 [End Page 317] Scaliger, Julius Caesar, 20

scapegoat, 237-38

Schoole of Vertue, The (Crowley), 265n14

Scripture: allusion to, in De doctrina Christiana, 10-13; arguments for divorce in, 73-76, 77; reading and understanding, 196-98

secondary law of nature, 77-78, 272n14

Second Defence, The (Milton), 169

Selden, John, 85-86, 118, 274n32

separation, natural law and, 88-90, 91

"September 1, 1939" (Auden), 307n7

September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. See Falling Man (DeLillo)

serpent, 97-98, 277n47

Shakespeare, William, 261n15, 304n12

Shelford, Robert, 109

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 209, 214-20, 302n1, 305n16, 305n17, 306n18

Sidney, Philip, 33

silence, 6

Smith, Henrie, 44, 45, 60, 61-62

social hierarchy, 81-82

solitude, 225-27, 232

Sommerville, J. P., 274n32

Stephen, Saint (martyr), 222

Stockhausen, Karlheinz, 251, 312n42

stones: as boundaries, 221-22; marking holy sites, 131

Stubbs, Katherine, 51

Stubbs, Philip, 51

subjection, of wives, 44-45, 60-65

"Subverted Flower, The" (Frost), 220, 224, 229-33

Swaim, Kathleen, 269n47

sword of Michael, 154

"Sycamore" (Frost), 220, 221-22

Tannen, Deborah, 268n41

Tasso, Torquato, 20, 24-25

Taylor, John, 170

Tenure of Kings and Magistrates, The (Milton), 81

terms of address, 48-59, 266n29, 267nn32-35

terrorist attacks. See Falling Man (DeLillo)

Tetrachordon (Milton): Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce and, 271n12; marriage in, 69, 70; natural law and divorce in, 73-76, 77, 96; and rights of spouses and citizens, 81

theft, Fall as sin of, 80, 83-85

Theobald, Francis, 120

Timberlake, Henry, 136, 286n42

titles, 48-59, 266n29, 267nn32-35

"To a Skylark" (Shelley), 216-17

Trachtenburg, Marvin, 33

transcendental imagination, 308n12

"Triple Bronze" (Frost), 223 True and Strange Discourse of the Travailes of Two English Pilgrimes, The (Timberlake), 286n42

true marriage, 76

truth, Milton on uncovering, 301n44

Tuck, Richard, 275n32

Turner, James, 75

Twin Towers. See World Trade Center

typological resemblances, 151-52

Ulster, 263n40

"unpremeditated," 214-20, 305n16

Urania, 215

Urban VIII (pope), 293n26

variatio, 5

Vaughan, Henry, 134-35

Virgil, 33

Voltaire, 303n4

Walsh, Marcus, 300n34

wandering, 140-46, 287n50

war, 295n42

war in heaven: arguments against, 292n22; characterization of Michael in, 151-54; English civil wars and, 151, 167-79, 292n23; exaltation of Christ in, 164-67; introduction to, 147-51; Jesus Christ in, 291n14; juxtaposition of Abdiel and Michael in, 154-57; Michael and Jesus Christ in, 157-64

Weismiller, Edward, 17-18

West, Robert H., 293n31

Whately, William, 50, 63-64, 265n17

Williams, Meg Harris, 303n9

Wimsatt, William, 183, 198

Witness Tree, A (Frost), 220-34

Wollebius, Johann, 7, 258n7

World Trade Center, 236-38. See also Falling Man (DeLillo)

woman, 59

work, 87-89

Wotton, Henry, 34

Wright, George T., 22

youth, 265n14

Youths Behavior (Hawkins), 265n14

Zwicker, Steven, 302n1, 305n15 [End Page 318]
