Index Volume 31
- Diacritics
- Johns Hopkins University Press
- Volume 31, Number 4, Winter 2001
- pp. 103-106
- 10.1353/dia.2004.0007
- Article
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Diacritics 31.4 (2001) 103-106
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Index Volume 31
ANDERSON, R. LANIER, AND JOSHUA LANDY: Alexander Nehamas, The Art of Living: Socratic Reflections from Plato to Foucault. Spring 2001; 25-54.
BREGER, CLAUDIA: "The Leader's Two Bodies: Slavoj Zizek's Postmodern Political Theology." Spring 2001; 73-90.
________. "Response to Slavoj Zizek." Spring 2001; 105-08.
BUTLER, JUDITH: "Giving an Account of Oneself." Winter 2001; 22-40.
DOUGHERTY, STEPHEN: "Culture in the Disk Drive: Computationalism, Memetics, and the Rise of Posthumanism." Winter 2001; 85-102.
HANSEN, MARK B. N.: "Seeing with the Body: The Digital Image in Postphotography." Winter 2001; 54-84.
HOOKE, ALEXANDER E.: Alphonso Lingis, Abuses; The Community of Those Who Have Nothing in Common; Dangerous Emotions; Foreign Bodies; The Imperative. Winter 2001; 11-21.
JARVIS, SIMON: Judith Butler, Ernesto Laclau, and Slavoj Zizek, Contingency, Hegemony, Universality: Contemporary Dialogues on the Left. Spring 2001; 3-24.
LACLAU, ERNESTO: Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, Empire. Winter 2001; 3-10.
LÓPEZ, IGNACIO JAVIER: "Film, Freud, and Paranoia: Dalí and the Representation of Male Desire in An Andalusian Dog." Summer 2001; 35-48.
MILLER, J. HILLIS: "Literary Study among the Ruins." Fall 2001; 57-66.
MORLAND, IAIN: "Reading's Reason." Summer 2001; 85-97.
NANCY, JEAN-LUC: "The Two Secrets of the Fetish." Summer 2001; 3-8.
NETHERSOLE, REINGARD: "The Priceless Interval: Theory in the Global Interstice." Fall 2001; 30-56.
PINCHEVSKI, AMIT: "Freedom from Speech (or the Silent Demand)." Summer 2001; 71-84.
RAJAN, TILOTTAMA: "In the Wake of Cultural Studies: Globalization, Theory, and the University." Fall 2001; 67-88.
REDFIELD, MARC: "Introduction: Theory, Globalization, Cultural Studies, and the Remains of the University." Fall 2001; 3-14.
RILEY, DENISE: "Bad Words." Winter 2001; 41-53. [End Page 103]
SUGLIA, JOSEPH: "The Communication of the Impossible." Summer 2001; 49-69.
TUHKANEN, MIKKO: "Of Blackface and Paranoid Knowledge: Richard Wright, Jacques Lacan, and the Ambivalence of Black Minstrelsy." Summer 2001; 9-34.
WEBER, SAMUEL: "Globality, Organization, Class." Fall 2001; 15-29.
WISE, CHRISTOPHER: "Deconstruction and Zionism: Jacques Derrida's Specters of Marx." Spring 2001; 56-72.
WORTHAM, SIMON MORGAN: "Teaching Deconstruction: Giving, Taking, Leaving, Belonging, and the Remains of the University." Fall 2001; 89-107.
ZIZEK, SLAVOJ: "The Rhetorics of Power." Spring 2001; 91-104.
Abuses, see Lingis, Alphonso.
"Alphonso Lingis's We—A Collage, Not a Collective," see Hooke, Alexander E.
Anderson, R. Lanier, and Joshua Landy: "Philosophy as Self-Fashioning: Alexander Nehamas's Art of Living." Spring 2001; 25-54.
The Art of Living: Socratic Reflections from Plato to Foucault, see Nehamas, Alexander.
"Bad Words," see Riley, Denise.
Breger, Claudia: "The Leader's Two Bodies: Slavoj Zizek's Postmodern Political Theology." Spring 2001; 73-90.
________. "Response to Slavoj Zizek." Spring 2001; 105-08.
Butler, Judith: "Giving an Account of Oneself." Winter 2001; 22-40.
Butler, Judith, Ernesto Laclau, and Slavoj Zizek: Contingency, Hegemony, Universality: Contemporary Dialogues on the Left. Spring 2001; 3-24.
"Can Immanence Explain Social Struggles?," see Laclau, Ernesto.
"The Communication of the Impossible," see Suglia, Joseph.
The Community of Those Who Have Nothing in Common, see Lingis, Alphonso.
Contingency, Hegemony, Universality: Contemporary Dialogues on the Left, see Butler, Judith, Ernesto Laclau, and Slavoj Zizek.
"Culture in the Disk Drive: Computationalism, Memetics, and the Rise of Posthumanism," see Dougherty, Stephen.
Dangerous Emotions, see Lingis, Alphonso.
"Deconstruction and Zionism: Jacques Derrida's Specters of Marx," see Wise, Christopher.
Dougherty, Stephen: "Culture in the Disk Drive: Computationalism, Memetics, and the Rise of Posthumanism." Winter 2001; 85-102.
Empire, see Hardt, Michael, and Antonio Negri.
"Film, Freud, and Paranoia: Dalí and the Representation of Male Desire in An Andalusian Dog," see López, Ignacio Javier.
Foreign Bodies, see Lingis, Alphonso.
"Forlorn Fort: The Left in Trialogue," see Jarvis, Simon. [End Page 104]
"Freedom from Speech (or the Silent Demand)," see Pinchevski, Amit.
"Giving an Account of Oneself," see Butler, Judith.
"Globality, Organization, Class," see Weber, Samuel.
Hansen, Mark B. N.: "Seeing with the Body: The Digital Image in Postphotography." Fall 2001; 54-84.
Hardt, Michael, and Antonio Negri, Empire. Winter 2001; 3-10.
Hooke, Alexander E.: "Alphonso Lingis's We—A Collage, Not a Collective...