In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received
Alemán, Mateo. Guzmán de Alfarache. Ed. Luis Gómez Canseco. Madrid: Real Academia Española; Galaxia Gutenberg; Círculo de Lectores, 2012. xi + 1,679 pp.
Bajus, Mark L. See Barletta, Vincent.
Baras Escolá, Alfredo. See Cervantes, Miguel de.
Barletta, Vincent, Mark L. Bajus, and Cici Malik, eds. Dreams of Waking: Late Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Lyric Poetry. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2013. 423 pp.
Barnard, Mary E., and Frederick A. de Armas, eds. Objects of Culture in the Literature of Imperial Spain. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2013. xxi + 326 pp.
Cabezas, Oscar Ariel. Postsoberanía: literatura, política y trabajo. Buenos Aires: La Cebra, 2013. 296 pp.
Cervantes, Miguel de. Entremeses. Ed. Alfredo Baras Escolá. Madrid: Real Academia Española; Galaxia Gutenberg; Círculo de Lectores, 2012. xi + 702 pp.
Chasteen, John Charles. See Machado de Assis, Joaquim Maria.
De Armas, Frederick A. See Barnard, Mary E.
Díez Reboso, Samuel. See Escobar Borrego, Francisco J.
Dussel, Enrique D. Ethics of Liberation in the Age of Globalization and Exclusion. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2013. xxiii + 715 pp.
Escobar Borrego, Francisco J., Samuel Díez Reboso, and Luis Rivero García, eds. La Metamorfosis de un inquisidor: el humanista Diego López de Cortegana (1455-1524). Huelva: U de Huelva, 2012. 339 pp.
Flores, Juan de. See Torrellas, Pere.
Francomano, Emily C. See Torrellas, Pere.
Fraser, Benjamin. Disability Studies and Spanish Culture: Films, Novels, the Comic and the Public Exhibition. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2013. xxvii + 192 pp.
Fraser, Benjamin. Understanding Juan Benet: New Perspectives. Columbia, SC: U of South Carolina P, 2013. xix + 162 pp. [End Page 507]
García Hernán, Enrique. Ignacio de Loyola. Madrid: Taurus, 2013. 568 pp.
Gómez Canseco, Luis. See Alemán, Mateo.
Graham, Richard. Independence in Latin America: Contrasts and Comparisons. 3rd ed. Austin: U of Texas P, 2013. xi + 194 pp.
Hernández, Miguel. Miguel Hernández. Trans. Don Share. New York: New York Review of Books, 2013. xiv + 113 pp.
Hyde, Timothy. Constitutional Modernism: Architecture and Civil Society in Cuba, 1933-1959. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2012. viii + 371 pp.
Johnson, Roberta, and Maite Zubiaurre, eds. Antología del pensamiento feminista español (1726-2011). Madrid: Cátedra, 2012. 714 pp.
Laguna, Juan I. La Philosophia Moral en el Guzmán apócrifo: la autoría de Juan Felipe Mey a la luz de las nuevas fuentes. Ciudad Real, Sp.: Almud, 2012. 147 pp.
López Alemany, Ignacio. See McCloskey, Jason.
Machado de Assis, Joaquim Maria. The Alienist and Other Stories of Nineteenth-Century Brazil. Trans. John Charles Chasteen. Indianapolis: Hackett, 2013. xxiii + 125 pp.
Malik, Cici. See Barletta, Vincent.
McCloskey, Jason, and Ignacio López Alemany, eds. Signs of Power in Habsburg Spain and the New World. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 2013. xxii + 246 pp.
Moisand, Jeanne. Scènes capitales: Madrid, Barcelona et le théâtral fin de siècle. Madrid: Casa de Velázquez, 2013. 406 pp.
Nieva-de la Paz, Pilar. See Vilches-de Frutos, Francisca.
Olivares, Jorge. Becoming Reinaldo Arenas: Family, Sexuality, and the Cuban Revolution. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2013. xiii + 241 pp.
Pérez-Abadín Barro, Soledad. La configuración de un libro bucólico: Églogas pastoriles de Pedro de Padilla. México, DF: Frente de Afirmación Hispanista, 2012. 518 pp.
Raychaudhuri, Anindya, ed. The Spanish Civil War: Exhuming a Buried Past. Cardiff: U of Wales P, 2013. xviii + 230 pp.
Rivero García, Luis. See Escobar Borrego, Francisco J.
Share, Don. See Hernández, Miguel. [End Page 508]
Torrellas, Pere, and Juan de Flores. Three Spanish Querelle Texts: Grisel and Mirabella, The Slander Against Women, and The Defense of Ladies Against Slanderers: A Bilingual Edition and Study. Ed. Emily C. Francomano. Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, Victoria U in the U of Toronto, 2013. ix + 206 pp.
Vilches-de Frutos, Francisca, and Pilar Nieva-de la Paz, eds. Imágenes femeninas en la literatura española y las artes escénicas (siglos XX y XXI). Philadelphia: Society of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies, 2012. 367 pp.
Zubiaurre, Maite. See Johnson, Roberta. [End Page 509]

