In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

UNIVERSITY OFTORONTO QUARTERLY Contents of Volume 691 Numbers 2-4, 1999/2000 All articles and books reviewed in issues 2-4 of volume 69 are listed below. For the material in 'Letters in Canada 1998,' which constitutes issue 1 of the volume, see the 'Index to Books Reviewed,' 69:1 (Winter 1999/2000),529-42. ARTICLES BEAULE, SOPHIE ({ nn'ya que des cauche· mars et dans angoisses, des delires.._» : Lecture de la nouv~lle fantastique et de science-fiction quebecoise depuis 1980 871 BERTHIAUME, ANDRE Aspects de 1a nouvelle contemporaine au Quebec 737 CARPENTIER, ANDRE Ect:ire des nouvelles fantastiques au Quebec: ecrire dans une triple marginalite 764 DANSEREAU, ESTELLE Reponses plurielles :1a nouvelle quebecoise au feminin (1980-2000) 826 GARSON, MARJORIE Alice Munro and Charlotte Bronte 78,3 KANAGANAYAKAM,CHELVA Indian Writing in English: Counterrealism as Alternative Literary History 670 KLEIMAN, ED 'If One Green Bottle ...' Audrey Thomas Looks Back on the Cauldron of History 660 LORD, MICHEL et/and MAJU( LEVENE Introduction 735 MOSS, JANE Le Theatre Franco-Ontarien: Dramatic Spectacles of Linguistic Otherness 587 OLSCAMP, MARCEL De « La gorge de Minerve » aL'Ogre: les conditions de la reconnaissance litteraire 623; De l'oralite: Ie recit bref au Canada fran<;ais (1990-2000) 915 PAltl

