In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

Pierre Bayard is a Professor of French literature at the University of Paris VIII and a psychoanalyst. He is the author of many books: those translated into English include Who Killed Roger Ackroyd? The Mystery Behind the Agatha Christie Mystery (2000), Sherlock Holmes was Wrong: Reopening the Case of the Hound of the Baskervilles (2008), and How to Talk About Books That You Haven't Read (2009). His most recent book is Aurais-je été résistant ou bourreau? (2013).

Yves Citton teaches eighteenth-century literature at the University of Grenoble and codirects the journal Multitudes. Recent publications include Zazirocratie: Très curieuse introduction à la biopolitique et à la critique de la croissance (2011), Gestes d'humanités: Anthropologie sauvage de nos expériences esthétiques (2012), and Renverser l'insoutenable (2012).

François Cusset is Professor of American Studies at the University of Paris Nanterre and a regular contributor to various journals and media on both sides of the Atlantic. His publications in English include French Theory: How Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze & Co. Transformed the Intellectual Life of the United States (2008) and The Inverted Gaze: Queering the French Literary Classics in America (2011). His first novel, A l'abri du déclin du monde, was published in 2012.

Marielle Macé is Research Director at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Paris), Visiting Professor at New York University, and Professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales and at the Ecole normale supérieure in Paris. She has published widely in the field of modern literature, theory, and the anthropology of forms and style. Her publications include Barthes, au lieu du roman (2002), Le Temps de l'essai (2006), "Du Style!" (special issue of Critique, 2010), and Façons de lire, manières d'être (2011).

Toril Moi is James B. Duke Professor of Literature and Romance Studies at Duke University and Director of Duke's Center for Philosophy, Arts, and Literature (PAL). She is the author of several books, including Simone de Beauvoir: The Making of an Intellectual Woman (1993), Sex Gender and the Body (2005), and Henrik Ibsen and the Birth of Modernism (2006).

Philippe Roger, a Senior Fellow with the French National Center for Scientific Research based at Paris-Sorbonne, is Professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris, Professor of French Literature at the University of Virginia, and Global Distinguished Visiting Professor at New York University. His publications include Sade: La Philosophie dans le pressoir (1976), Roland Barthes, [End Page 319] roman (1986, 1990), and The American Enemy: The History of French Anti-Americanism (2005, 2007). He is the editor of Critique, founded by Georges Bataille in 1946.

Jean-Marie Schaeffer is Director of Studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris) and Research Director at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Paris). Trained as a philosopher, he works in the fields of philosophical anthropology, philosophical aesthetics, and literary studies. He is the author of, among others, Qu'est-ce qu'un genre littéraire? (1989), L'art de l'âge moderne (1992; translated as Art of the Modern Age, 2000), Nouveau Dictionnaire encyclopédique des sciences du langage, with Oswald Ducrot (1995), Les célibataires de l'art (1996; translated as Beyond Speculation: Art and Aesthetics Without Myth, 2013), Pourquoi la Fiction? (1999; (translated as Why Fiction? 2010), Adieu à l'esthétique (2000), La fin de l'exception humaine (2007), and Petite écologie des études littéraires (2011). [End Page 320]


