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UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO QUARTERLY Contents of Volume 52, 1982/3 All articles and books reviewed in issues 1-3 of volume 52 are listed below. For the material in 'Letters in Canada 1982: which constitutes issue 4 of the volume, see the 'Index to Books Reviewed,' 52:4 (Summer 1983), 587-91. ARTICLES BILSLAND, JOHN w. De Quincey's Critical Dilations 79 BOURGEAULT, CYNTHIA The Aesthetic Dimension of the Liturgy: A Theological Perspective for Literary Historians 9 DILORENZO, RAYMOND D. Wonder and Words: Paganism, Christianity, and Consolation in Chaucer's Book of the Duchess 20 DOYLE, JAMES Whitman's Canadian Diary 288 FOTHERGILL, ROBERT A. The Perfect Image of Life: Death in the Plays of Shakespeare and His Contemporaries 155 GOLDSTICK, D. Four Forms of Philosophical Scepticism 235 HINCHCLIFFE, PETER Elegy and Epithalamium in In Memoriam 241 JOHNSTON, GEORGE What Do the Scalds Tell Us? 1 LANE, M. TRAVIS Contemporary Canadian Verse: The View from Here 179 MACLULICH, T.D. Our Place on the Map: The Canadian Tradition in Fiction 191 MENAGHAN, JOHN M. Embodied Truth: The Ring and the Book Reconsidered 263 MEZCIEMS, JENNY Utopia and 'the Thing which is not': More, Swift, and Other Lying Idealists 40 Northrop Frye and the Bible: A Review Symposium See under Reviews: Frye PIETERSMA, H. Truth and the Search for It 221 ROTHSTEIN, ERIC Scotophobia and HumphnJ Clinker: The Politics of Beggary, Bugs, and Buttocks 63 TERPSTRA, JOHN 'Bedad He Revives! See How He Raises!': An Introduction to David Jones's The Sleeping Lord' 94 REVIEWS Amossy, Ruth Les Jeux de ['allusion dans 'Un beau tenebreux' de Julien Gracq (ANNA WHITESIDE) 310 Barish, Jonas The Anti-Theatrical Prejudice (ROBERTSON DAVIES) 288 Champion, Larry S. Perspective in Shakespeare 's English Histories (G.P. JONES) 102 Chase, Colin, ed The Dating of Beowulf (THEODORE M . ANDERSSON) 288 Frey, Charles Shakespeare's Vast Romance: A Study of 'The Winter's Tale' (G.P. JONES) 106 Frye, Northrop The Great Code: The Bible and Literature (LOUIS DUDEK, DAVID L. JEFFREY, EMERO STIEGMAN, GEORGE WOODCOCI~) 127 Greenfield, Stanley B. and Fred C. Robinson A Bibliography of Publications in Old English Literature from the Begin- nings to the End of 1972 (ROBERTA FRANK) 302 Hair, Donald S. .Domestic and Heroic in Tennyson's Poetry (PETER ALLEN) 114 Hollander, John The Figure of Echo: A Mode of Allusion in Milton and After (ELEANOR COOK) 312 McFarland, Thomas Romanticism and the Forms of Rllin: Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Modalities of Fragmentation (TlLOTTAMA RAJAN) 306 McSweeney, Kerry Tennyson.and Swinburne as Romantic Naturalists (PETER ALLEN) 114 Martin, Robert Bernard Tennyson: The Unquiet Heart (PETER ALLEN) 114 Muir, Kenneth Shakespeare's Sonnets (G.P. JONES) 106 -, ed Shakespeare Survel}, volume 33 (G.P. JONES) 106 Rabkin, Norman Shakespeare and the Problem of Meaning (G.P. JONES) 106 Reynolds, David S. Faith in Fiction: The Emergence of Religious Literatllre in America (J.M . CAMERON) 217 Robinson, Fred C. See Greenfield, Stanley B. Rollinson, Philip Classical Theories of AIlegon } and Christian Culture (GORDON TESKEY) 209 Rustin, Jacques Le Vice ala mode: etude sur Ie roman frall/;ais du XVme siec/e de 'Manon Lascaut' a['apparition de 'La Nouvelle Heloi"se' (JOHN A. FLEMING ) 303 Schofield, Martin The Ghosts of 'Hamlet': The Play and Modern Writers (G.P. JONES) 106 Urkowitz, Steven Shakespeare's Revision of 'King Lear' (G.P . JONES) 106 Viswanathan, S. The Shakespearean Play as Poem: A Critical Tradition in Perspective (G.P. JONES) 106 ...

