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Letters in Canada 1980 'Letters in Canada' has been appearing as a regular annual feature of the University ofToronto Quarterly since i936. It provides a critical round-up of the more important books produced in Canada in the humanities during the previous year, offering review articles on the various verbal arts (fiction, poetry, drama) in both the official languages and on translations, les etudes sociales, and religion, as well as individual reviews of relevant scholarly books. This year, in order to make 'Letters in Canada' available to a wider audience, it is being published as a paperback book as well as in its customaryform as the summerissue ofthe Quarterly. This decision has led to two changes in presentation that will be noticed by regular readers. First, the issue is paginated as a separate entity, though it remains the fourth issue ofthe fiftieth volume ofthejournal. Secondly, the two articles that normally appear in the summer issue will now be published in an enlarged fall issue; we wish to assure subscribers that this change makes no difference to the overall size of the Quarterly on a yearly basis. Once again there are changes in personnel among our regular columnists for 'Letters in Canada.' We say au revoir and thank you to Lise Gauvin, who has written penetratingly on French-language fiction for the past three years, and to Richard Giguere, who discussed with enthusi- .sm poetry in French for the same period. They have been succeeded, respectively, by Paul-Andre Bourque of Laval University, host of the )opular Radio-Canada program Book-Club, and Caroline Bayard of VIcMaster University, co-author of Outposts/Avant-pastes, a book of nterviews with leading experimental Canadian poets from our two major anguage groups. Sam Solecki, who wrote on fiction in English together "'ith R.P. Bilan, has had to give up this task to devote himself more fully o his arduous job as editor of the Canadian Forum. To him, too, we say hanks for a keen, critical contribution. We welcome, in his place, Helen -loy, of the University of Lethbridge, a specialist in English-Canadian mting. WJK and BZS ...

