In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

© UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS 1979 All rights reserved. Permission to reproduce in whole or in part must be obtained in writing from Univ ersity of Toronto Press . CO NT RIBUTORS MICHAEL KIRKHAM Professor of English, University College, University of Toronto; The Poetry of Robert Graves (1969) JOHN X. COOPER Doctoral student, Department of English, University of British Columbia LETTERS IN CANADA 1978 FICTION 1 R.P. Bilan, Department of English, University of Toronto, PICTION 2 Sam Solecki, Department of English and St Michael's College, University of Toronto ROMANS, RtCITS ET CONTES Lise Gauvin, Departement d'tHudes franc ;aises, Universite de Montreal POETRY Michael Homyansky, Department of English, Brock University POESIE Richard Giguere, Departement d'etudes fran~ai ses, Universite de Sherbrooke DRAMA Ronald Huebert, Department of English, Dalhousie UniverSity THEATRE Gilles Girard, Departementdes litteratures , Universite Laval TRANSLATIONS John ]. O'Connor, Department of English and St Michael's College, University of Toronto HUMANITIES Bernard Andres, Departement des etudes Iittthaires, Universite du Quebec aMontreal; Caroline Bayard, DepartmentofRomance Languages, McMaster University; R.P. Bilan, Department of English, University of Toronto; William Blissett, Department of English and University College, University of Toronto; Paul Bouissac, Department of French and Victoria College, University of Toronto; J.M. Cameron , Professor Emeritus, St Michael's College, University of Toronto; Jacques Cotnam, Department of French Literature, York University; James Dale, Department of English, McMaster University; Richard Dellamora, Department of English and Cultural Studies Prog:r:amme, Trent University; Sandra Djwa, Department of English, Simon Fraser University; Stillman Drake, Professor Emeritus, Centre for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Toronto; Dennis Duffy, Department of English and Innis College, University of Toronto; Roberta Frank, Department of English and Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto; Robert Harden, Department of French and Victoria College, University of Toronto; Paul Helmer, Department of Music, McGill University; Donald Himes, School of the Toronto Dance Theatre; F. David Hoeniger, Department of English and Victoria College, University of Toronto; (continued on P 522) 522 CONTRIBUTORS, continued J.F.M. Hunter, Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto; George Johnston, Professor Emeritus, Department of English, Carleton University; Sean Kane, Department of English, Trent University; W.J. Keith, Department of English and University College, University of Toronto; I.M. Kertzer, Department of English, University of Calgary; Michael Laine, Department of English and Victoria College, University of Toronto; David Latham, doctoral student, Department of English, York University; J.F. Leddy, Honorary Professor of Classical Studies, University of Windsor; Joseph Melanc;on, Departement des litteratures, Universite Laval; Alex C. Michalos, Social Indicators Research Programme , University ofCuelph; Fergal Nolan, Department of English, University of Toronto; Michel Parmentier, pepartement d'etudes fran~aises et quebecoises, Bishop's University; G.M. Paul, Department of Classics, McMaster University; Michael A. Peterman, Department of English, Trent University; Charles Segal, Department of Classics, Brown University; Peter Stevens, Department of English , University of Windsor; Michael Tait, Department of English and Scarborough College, University ofToronto; Fred Wilson, Department of Philosophy and University College, University of Toronto; S.P. Zitner, Department of English and Trinity College. University of Toronto PUBLICATIONS IN OTHER LANGUAGES 1 Natalia Aponiuk, Soviet and East European Studies and Department of Slavic Studies, University of Manitoba PUBLICATIONS IN OTHER LANGUAGES 2 Yvonne Grabowski, Department of Foreign Literature, York University LES ETuDES SOClALES Celine Saint Pierre, Departement de sociologie, Universite du Quebec a Montreal RELIGION Emero Stiegman, Department of Religious Studies, Saint Mary's University, Halifax ...

