In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

© UNIVERSITY OF TORO NTO PR ESS 1979 All rights reserved. Permission 10 reproduce ;/1 whole or ill part must be oblained ill writing from Ulliversity of Toronlo Press. CON T RIB UT 0 R S PETER SIMPSON Senior Lecturer in English, University of Canterbury, New Zealand DONALD S. HAlR Professor of English, University of Western Ontario; Browning's Experiments with Genre (1972) JEAN FRANTZ BLACKALL Professor of English, Cornell University; Jamesian Ambiguity and 'The Sacred Fount' (1965) RALPH W. RADER Professor of English, University of California at Berkeley; Tennyson's'Maud'; The Biographical Genesis (1964); co-author, Essays in Eighteenth-Century Biography (1968); co-author, New Approaches to Eighteenth-Century Literature (1974) JULIUS A . MOLlNARO Professor of Italian, University of Toronto; editor, A Bibliography of SixteenfhCentury Italian Verse Col/ections in the University of Toronto Library (1969); editor, Petrarch to Pirandello (1973) DAVID M. HAYNE Professor of French, University of Toronto; co-author, Bibliographie critique du roman canadien-fral1(:ais, 1837- 1900 (1968); general editor, Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol 2 [1701-40J (1969) PATRICIA BRUCKMANN Professor of English, Trinity College, University of Toronto; editor, Familiar Colloquy (1978) KENNETH J. WAGNER Graduate student in English, New York University ROBERT JAMES MERRETT Associate Professor of EngJish, University of Alberta ...

