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d'assurer son maintien et son exploitation. 0'011 la 'necessite de la migration' pour les runes ou les plus jeunes qui ne pouvaient compter sur cet heritage et qui choisissaient I'exode social et culturel. Par ailleurs nul ne sera surpris d'apprendre Ie role-cle de la religion comme 'facteur d'integration sociale et culturelle.' La religion est la porte d'entree obligee dans la societe de Saint-Denis et fixe Ie sentiment d'appartenance communautaire au village global. Les habitants, dans leur vie quotidienne , n'hesitent pas il melanger Ie sacre et Ie profane et leur conduite, leurs comportements sociaux, visent il ne pas empecher un fonctionnement souple de la societe. A travers son observation minutieuse Miner nous fait decouvrir Ie Quebec d'avant la Revolution Tranquille dans sa simpliciM bucolique, ce Quebec du 'temps d'une paix' qui permet aux forces actuelles de la conservation d'entretenir la nostalgie. C'est un livre d'actualite qui peut nous aider il mieux comprendre notre avenir. Religion H.-MARTIN RUMSCHEIDT 'Faith and Fragility' - I borrow the title from Professor Mol's book on religion and identity in Canada to state the trend this article will follow almost to the end. As has been the custom of this writer, a list of works published in Canada during the year under review is provided first, accompanied by brief comments. This is to be followed by the discussion of other works which represent a specific contribution to the understanding of religion in Canada. Schools and faculties of theology depict their curricula in four broad areas: biblical studies, historical studies, pastoral and educational studies, and systematidphilosophical studies. In some the rightful emphasis on the study of faith other than that of the Christian tradition is taken up in what used to be called'comparative religion' but is now referred to as 'history of religions.' Itis this arrangement Ishall use to list, and comment on, the books received. Irving M. Zeitlin, AncientJudaism: Biblical Criticism from Max Weber to the Present (Oxford University Press, xiv, 314, $34.95), picks up and revises Webers pioneering sociological study of religion, especially of ancient Judaism. He provides a methodologically very useful tool for the study and account of the origins ofJudaism and suggests necessary modifications of Weber's work in this area. Although a sociological study in its methodology, the book is a rich resource of sCriptural exegesis and interpretation. Pierre-Antoine Paulo, Le Probleme ecclesial des Actes ala lumiere de deux prophtties d'Amos (Collection Recherches, ns vol 3, Les Editions Bellarmin, 165, $12.00 paper), and John Colet, a sixteenth- RELIGION 267 century Anglican divine of Oxford, Commentary on First Corinthians, a new edition of the Latin text, with translation, annotation, and introduction, Bernard O'Kelly and Catherine A.L. Jarrott, eds (Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, vol 21, Medieval Texts and Studies, 348, $20.00) are two more specialized publications of interest to historians and scholars in recent biblical interpretative studies. Robert Choquette, L'Eglise catholique dans rOntario fran,ais du dixneuvieme sitcle (Cahiers d'Histoire, vol 13, Editions de l'Universite d'Ottawa, 365, $25.00 paper), M. James Penton, Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses (University of Toronto Press, xxviii, 400, $24.95), and Newlight Baptist Journals of James Manning and James Innis, D.G. Bell, ed (Baptist Heritage in Atlantic Canada, vol 6, Acadia Divinity College, xviii, 398, $14.95 paper) manifest extensive research and provide an ever firmer ground for the deepening comprehension of Canada's religious culture and tradition. Into the category of pastoral and educational studies I place a study by Balthasar Staehelin, a Swiss phYSician cum theologian, L'Inconscient marial: Guide medical de cheminement vers Dieu, translated by Ernest Richer (Les Editions Bellarmin, 208, $15.00 paper), and the first volume of a new series launched in 1985, the Canadian Pulpit Series: the work is by Maurice Boyd, A Lover's Quarrel with the World, Ian Hunter, ed, with a foreword by Malcolm Muggeridge (Welch Publishing Company, 151, $7.95 paper). The book, pOSSibly the entire series to come, represents a curious phenomenon in Canadian, though not onlyCanadian, ecclesial piety. While Protestantsinsiston the primacy...

