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156 LEITERS IN CANADA 1992 Mail reS1POlllSlble vicious act of an "nr"n-.r-.rn she out that when someone of the stature of Ms. Callwood contetlnpl :uouSJIV dismisses of racism in the manner she as well as """.tJg....,, abusive to a Black woman; such behaviour license for individuals such as that caller to do what he did. its. frivolous treatment of the with the Globe's treatment of this incident in its editorial 'PEN Pals' pr()blE~m. It that Ms. Callwood was torme:nted, mation on the excuse her response pr()tel§telrs was sufficient to nr/,ur\!($3 to Jfuck racism has made Friedman. Sacred: A Conversation with Feminism Oberon Press. 96. $12.95 paper teI10Pltatl.on to dismiss Fried~ qUi8uIles as a conversation - on the same HUMANITIES 157 a tenured to reason. Liberal la€~01CH!V and 158 LEITERS IN CANADA 1992 sv~;telms and advocates social or poll0,cal th€~m~;el"es on a course with those t'neC1Jman extols the power, the and the Both describe as a human force where Ins;t1n.ctuLal, erotic is anarchic and means of social institutions· and 1'11"1::rtl"'l,''nt'J' Hobbes from elTlPC'Wlernnel'lt can women who realize resjlstirlg OlPpr'eSSlQn togjeth€~r. The COlJLra£~e .."',,...,,,.,,...,...... confrontation with masculine universalism aemamCLS tnE~m~;el"es in own interests in some kind of neltw(Jrk: insistence on InCUVUl111aJlSIn her to anltlre,Clalte HUMANITIES 159 can ..............~T1I","" an aUIDE!nnlC community actualization. pr()m.otE~ creative De:;ig11atilng .,.::....''''0 ... as the enemy of terrunism, tt"riledlnaln' her to caricature feminists as 'The Chosen on she does not \.spinl1l)t to icono4cla!;tic is matched mitting the nerua)~e Because so much work of historical Slj;1;nlJt1c,:m(:'e pll;gnmalge to the Promised circuitous or()bJerrtS within feminism aognlatlSIlrt, lCleC.los~lau narrowness, and a certain sa!lsr,aCtl0I1S and fewer answers neJ~eInomc mental and social constructs in the to Louis Dudek. Paradise: on and Vehicule Press. 160. $13.95 paper volume of cOlnolex ideas in ...

