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towards 226 LEITERS IN CANADA 1992 Kellng,ara M. Nischik. Mentllistilistik: Ein zu Stiltheorie und Nllrrlltivik dn'Y'noej;oHt am Erziihlwerk IVlfl1rOnt'pt Atwoods Gunter Narr 1991 tenure. HUMANmES ~.c:>1"'",,!:II,.n universities ....""..,.......'" to secure aC,lae~mlLC and the ~, "11""U"'''U from the ...........,.. ..T\,crt-ttC: intro(1u(:tio,n to the SPE~CltlC UletJtlOClexalmt >leS of textual 228 LETTERS IN CANADA 1992 characters? The numerous bH)Uclgt",aplhical drown readers in their YQ.l.UUILIJ..1I;;; resource for research in the vast cmnpJex termtno.Lo~-:v sometimes obstructs the detail but for Diane Bessai. of Collective Creation Canadian Dramatist series editor. Simon and Pierre. 292. $29.95 paper ...

