In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

HUMANITIES 231 Annette H.Il''lIlM.Ill''l1 and WluUielc1, editors. et litUrature qutbecl)tse. Tril)tvlJUe. 422 $27.95 man 232 LEITERS IN CANADA 1992 .....,..'........"'1 which the editors extend to a palraolgrns, this book the unpll.C1t focus on Jtexte national.' ,I........."'....,...., A1~,.....,.." ... t.o. model for this text invokes the auotea theorists in the the late Andre neJJeau also identified the in ........................;.... cntic:LsDl, a discourse that considers each work in terms of an isochronic between evolution national revolution. This Jacqu(;!s Pelletier's summary of Belleau's n .....''.....'H ......................._"- 'S,OCllo-<:r1tlCUim,' whose four - the SrrUC1l:UreS, institutional ~n;::1I'\1!~p~ pOPUlar culture and narrative SO(:io--se:miIDtil::;B and discourse queStl0l1,' as, examination of the canonization Antoine celuelnal'V celebrations under the Tn'lTthA'I"r'IO HUMANITIES 233 Therien's excellent eX1PoISlt1.on in which he U.Q..uu;= old and the new criticism. I..o'I;;;'''VJll.ot:;, 1""111....."'....... '7 a return W:tel'llltwrp. q,uet,eC()Jse demonstrates. Such a metatheoretical reflection is "'...-n.O...l.......... ,.., _ .........." .... literature ....,,,,.,..'""...,...,,.,.,. I-It I'{.uf·..o" Years 234 LBTTERS IN CANADA 1992 _ ....'~Ll';;,;... literature and criticism is also a feature re<:ep,bon of various texts. David this focus :snlHUl):;; horizons of ext,ectatllon 'e'est que Ie transtor'mi:lbC)n.' Polemic is pn~-elmlltler\t and Claudine Potvin about HUMANITIES 235 ""'-<""',,.;;....o;;;;\.... 1'10.,4"1,............. '". will be able to write in the future WlrnC\llt COlrlSllltlng Victor-Laurent Au'commencement itait le Presses de l'Universite d'OUawa 1991. 362. ~lIH"nnl.p<; dans Ia litUrature qUf'becloise 150. $18.95 ...

