In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

HUMANmES 243 Kandiuk. French-Canadian Authors: A Bib!lio(l'ralt1hu of Their Works and of Criticism Scarecrow Press 1990. included in ....'..1A..U;;;);:.... The entries for each author are 2r()Ut)ed 244 LETTERS IN CANADA 1992 tranclOpJhOltleS of the existence of an extensive American response to the best Richard with Bettinotti and Paul Bleton. Litterature en Collection 'Petit Format' 1944-1958. /lpt':IPvf,"t'l'J> /nm'wqrav,fUallie Ex Libris. 336 decade or so since the at the Universite de Sherbrooke of -.... >.r ..... .... _ de recherche sur I'edition litteraire au the In\resllgattlOin of has advanced ....., .....,......."".........'U.. IU!I"".. ""' .... &I'Uo.&.;>o,..;o of the ;:,allllt"jOl!;epn pnIlltml~~;-Jh.o\lse in M()ntreall. ClaSS1nea in their extensive statistical more or romances and ClI:31rl:3l1,n,•.c;:,v are 'romans "'~V''''''-''''I ",'ester:ns.. tales of science .........'...........,.., aaOle!SC~~nts, and of while repre-are less numerous. substantial collection of ........ """....,."''''';'Hn feat in ...

