In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Concurrent Contents: Recent and Classic References at the Interface of Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology


Achamallah, N. 2011. Psychotropic medications and direct-to-consumer advertising: Informative or irresponsible? Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 6:1–5.
Angelino, L. 2008. Between phenomenology and psychoanalysis: The meaningful body. Philosophy Today 52(Suppl):63–73.
Aultman, J. M. 2010. The diseased embodied mind: Constructing a conception of mental disease in relation to the person. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13, no. 4:321–32.
Aviram, R. B. 2012. Review of what do I say? The therapist’s guide to answering client questions. Psychotherapy 49, no. 4:570–1.
Barbosa, A. 2012. Relational ethics and psychosomatic assessment [review]. Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine 32:223–39.
Basso, E. 2012. From the problem of the nature of psychosis to the phenomenological reform of psychiatry. Historical and epistemological remarks on Ludwig Binswanger’s psychiatric project. Medicine Studies 3, no. 4:215–32.
Baum-Baicker, C., and D. A. Sisti. 2012. Clinical wisdom and evidence-based medicine are (indeed) complementary: A reply to Bursztajn and colleagues. Journal of Clinical Ethics 23, no. 1: 37–40.
———. 2012. Clinical wisdom in psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychotherapy: A philosophical and qualitative analysis. Journal of Clinical Ethics 23, no. 1:13–27.
Beebee, H., and N. Sabbarton-Leary. 2010. Are psychiatric kinds “real”? European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 6, no. 1:11–27.
Berghmans, R., and M. van der Zanden. 2012. Choosing to limit choice: Self-binding directives in Dutch mental health care. International Journal of Law & Psychiatry 35, no. 1:11–18.
Bolton, J. 2011. Aristotle in the psychiatry residents’ clinic. Academic Psychiatry 35, no. 5:298–301.
Bortolotti, L., R. Cox, and A. Barnier. 2012. Can we recreate delusions in the laboratory? Philosophical Psychology 25, no. 1:109–31
Bortolotti, L., and H. Widdows. 2011. The right not to know: The case of psychiatric disorders. Journal of Medical Ethics 37, no. 11: 673–6.
Bowden, H. 2012. A phenomenological study of anorexia nervosa. Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 19, no. 3:227–41.
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Brown, D. L., and A. M. Pomerantz. 2011. Multicultural incompetence and other unethical behaviors: Perceptions of therapist practices. Ethics and Behavior 21, no. 6:498–508.
Burke, C. 2000. Psychiatry: A “value-free” science? The Linacre Quarterly: Journal of the Catholic Medical Association 67, no. 1:59–88.
Burrows, M., and W. H. Reid. 2011. Psychiatric aspects of criminal responsibility: Insanity and mitigation [review]. Journal of Psychiatric Practice 17, no. 6: 429–31.
Charland, L. C. 2012. The varieties of compulsion in addiction. American Journal of Bioethics: Neuroscience 3, no. 2:50–1.
Christopher, P. P., P. J. Candilis, J. D. Rich, and C. W. Lidz. 2011. An empirical ethics agenda for psychiatric research involving prisoners. American Journal of Bioethics: Primary Research 2, no. 4:18–25.
Ciotti, F. 2009. Making the unconscious conscious: Wittgenstein versus Freud. Philosophia: Philosophical Quarterly of Israel 37, no. 4:565–88.
Clapham, M. 2012. Psychiatric power and its reversals: Can we keep practice humane? Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 19, no. 1:63–5.
Clarke, C. 2012. ‘Missing persons’: Technical terminology as a barrier in psychiatry. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 15, no. 1:23–30.
Cohen, D., and D. H. Jacobs. 2010. The make-believe world of antidepressant randomized controlled trials: An afterword to Cohen and Jacobs (2010). Journal of Mind and Behavior 31, no. 1–2:23–36.
Cohen, D., and D. H. Jacobs. 2010. Randomized controlled trials of antidepressants: Clinically and scientifically irrelevant. Journal of Mind and Behavior 31, no. 1–2:1–22.
Colombetti, G., and M. Ratcliffe. 2012. Bodily feeling in depersonalization: A phenomenological account. Emotion Review 4, no. 2:145–50.
Comas-Diaz, L. 2012. Humanism and multiculturalism: An evolutionary alliance. Psychotherapy 49...

