In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

International Poe Bibliography: 1994-199'7,2001-2003 Susan Amper, Compiler This continuation of the "International Poe Bibliography ,"supplementing the 1998-2000 installment published in P o eStudia/Dank Romanticism35 (2003) : 38-65, first recoversentries for 1994-1997 and then provides an annotated listing for 2001-2003.It was compiled by a committee headed by Susan Amper of Bronx Community College/CUNY. Committee members included Roberto Cagliero, RogerForclaz, Nathanael Gilbert, Sandra Hughes, Henri Justin, Christopher McGunnigle, RenC van Slooten, Becky Wagenblast,and Ikesue Yoko. As in past installments, the committee has tried to be as comprehensive as possible, but in selecting material most likelyto be of interest to an audience of literary scholars,we generallydid not include references to Poe in recent fiction, poetry,film, music, and such popular forms as graphic novels. Neither the absence nor the length of an annotation should be viewed as an evaluation of the importance of the work. In some cases, we could not locate an item; in others, the title seemed self-explanatory. Thanks are owed to the MLA ZnternaiionalBibliography.Sources for annotations that cite the "author's abstract" may be found at the journal's website, . Future plans to make installments of the bibliography availablein an online, searchable form are under consideration; corrections to these entriesmay be sent to the Editorial Office, P o e Studies/Dank I b manticism,Department of English,WashingtonState University, Pullman, WA 99164-5020;argerjamail. "ATIONAL POEBIBUOGRAPRY, 1994-1991 Achilles,Jochen. "Composite (Dis)Order: Cultural Identity in Wieland, EdgarHunily, and Arthur Gordon Qm" In 165G1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Znquirics in the Early M o d e r n Era, edited by Kevin L. Copeand LauraMorrow,252-70.NewYork AMS, 1997. ."EdgarAllan Poe's Dreamscapes and the Transcendentalist View of Nature." Amcrikasiudied AmericanStudies40(1995): 553-73.[Achillescompares the Edenic dream presented in Poe's "DCP main of Amheim,""Landor's Cottage," and "The Journal ofJulius Rodman" with the transcendentalistviews of nature in Emerson's Natureand "The American Scholar."] . "Edgar Allan Poe's Melting Pot: Skeptical Soundingsof Cultural Composition."AngZia Zeiischn ~fiirEngZischePhilologie115, no. 3 (1997): 5274 . Akiyama,Yoshinori. "The Adventure o f Self: Quest of the Heroes in Edgar Allan Poe's The Narrative of Arihur Gordon Pym o f Nantuckei and Herman Melville's Type." O t s hReview31 (1995):30-39. Allison,John. "Poe in Melville's 'The Bell Tower.'" Pa Studies/Dazk Romanticism 29 (1996):9-18. [Contemporaneousreviewersof Melville's "BellTower" tended to associate the tale, through parallels in plot and mood,with the worksof Poe.Allison suggests that Melville,in light of the midcentury decline in Poe's reputation, found it necessary to repudiate any such connection. He attempted to dosoin "TheBellTower"-ondemning, through his characterization of the protagonist, Bannadonna , Poe's "literarypersona, concern with mechanics of form, literary ambition, and political elitism" (9).] Andrews, David Arthur. "American An/Aesthete: A Study of Aesthetes in American Literature, from EdgarAllan Poeto GilbertSorrentino."PhD diss., StateUniv. of NewYork, Stony Brook, 1997.[Aestheticism in European terms is often associated with the ideaof artforitsownsake,but the American ideal poses a different notion. This dissertation examinesthe works of EdgarAllan Poe,William CarlosWilliams,and GilbertSorrentinoto e s Poe Studies/Dark Romanticism tablish the unique conventions of American aesthetics .] Angelini, Lucio. “Introduzione.”In So solo che vi amo: Lettere d’amore, edited by Lucio Angelini, 13-48. Milan: Rosellina Archinto, 1994. [On a collection of Poe’s love letters to his wife Virginia.] Arai, Toshikazu. “Edgar Allan Poe’s View of Life and Death: Structural Analysis of ‘The Masque of the Red Death.”’ Kenkyu ronshu (Soai Women’s College ) 42 (1995): 1-7. Arburg, Hans-Georg von. “Seelengehause:Das Raumproblem im physiognomischen Diskurs vom ausgehenden 18. bis ins friihe 20. Jahrhundert.” In Symbolik von Ort und Raum, edited by Paul Michel, 33-69. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang, 1997. Argersinger, Jana L., and John P. Gonzales. “Subject Index to ‘International Poe Bibliography’: Poe Scholarship and Criticism, 1989-1993.” Poe Studies /Dark Romanticism 29 (1996): 31-66. [Provides a key to the entries and annotations published between 1989and 1993in Poe Studies/Dark Romanticism , volumes 25 and 27.1 Arrojo, Rosemary. “Literature as Fetishism:Some Consequences for a Theory of Translation.”Meta:Journal...

