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Biography 26.4 (2003) 841-845

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Volume 26, 2003


Couser, G. Thomas. "Identity, Identicality, and Life Writing: Telling (The Silent) Twins Apart." 26.2 (Spring): 243-60.

Kennedy, Helen. "Technobiography: Researching Lives, Online and Off." 26.1 (Winter): 120-39.

Killoran, John B. "The Gnome in the Front Yard and Other Public Figurations: Genres of Self-Presentation on Personal Home Pages." 26.1 (Winter): 66-83.

Kitzmann, Andreas. "That Different Place: Documenting the Self Within Online Environments." 26.1 (Winter): 48-65.

Kraus, Carolyn Wells. "On Hurting People's Feelings: Journalism, Guilt, and Autobiography." 26.2 (Spring): 283-97.

Lejeune, Philippe. "Calicot." 26.3 (Summer): 444-47.

Lim, Shirley Geok-lin. "Embodied Memory and Memoir." 26.3 (Summer): 442-44.

McNeill, Laurie. "Teaching an Old Genre New Tricks: The Diary on the Internet." 26.1 (Winter): 24-47.

Mitchell, James B. "Popular Autobiography as Historiography: The Reality Effect of Frank McCourt's Angela's Ashes." 26.4 (Fall): 607-624.

Ngwenya, Thengani H. "'Making History's Silences Speak': An Interview with N. C. Manganyi." 26.3 (Summer): 428-37.

Phelan, Joseph. "Ethnology and Biography: The Case of the Brownings." 26.2 (Spring): 261-82.

Schwindt, Bianca. "Women Biography: Biographies and Portraits about, by, or for Women (Bern Conference Report)." 26.3 (Summer): 448-52.

Sinor, Jennifer. "Inscribing Ordinary Trauma in the Diary of a Military Child." 26.3 (Summer): 405-427.

Tilghman, Carolyn. "Autobiography as Dissidence: Subjectivity, Sexuality, and the Women's Co-operative Guild." 26.4 (Fall): 583-606.

Sorapure, Madeleine. "Screening Moments, Scrolling Lives: Diary Writing on the Web." 26.1 (Winter): 1-23.

Wachter, Phyllis, and William Todd Schultz. "Annual Bibliography of Works about Life Writing, 2002-2003." 26.4 (Fall): 625-711

Watson, Julia. "Ben Franklin, Protector of Americans Abroad." 26.3 (Summer): 438-39.

Whitlock, Gillian. "Merry Christmas, Mary Prince." 26.3 (Summer): 440-42.

Zalis, Elaine. "At Home in Cyberspace: Staging Autobiographical Scenes." 26.1 (Winter): 84-119.

Zuern, John. "Online Lives: Introduction." 26.1 (Winter): v-xxv. [End Page 841]


Almon, Bert. This Stubborn Self: Texas Autobiographies, 1925-2001. Reviewed by Shelley Armitage. 26.4 (Fall): 763-66.

Amato, Joseph A. Rethinking Home: A Case for Writing Local History. Reviewed by Janet Ore. 26.2 (Spring): 315-17.

Apel, Dora. Memory Effects: The Holocaust and the Art of Secondary Witnessing. Reviewed by Liliane Weissberg. 26.3 (Summer): 487-90.

Arch, Stephen Carl. After Franklin: The Emergence of Autobiography in Post-Revolutionary America, 1780-1830. Reviewed by Barbara Oberg. 26.2 (Spring): 323-25.

Armitage, Susan H., Patricia Hart, and Karen Weathermon, eds. Women's Oral History: The 'Frontiers' Reader. Reviewed by Kathryn L. Nasstrom. 26.4 (Fall): 725-27.

Belau, Linda, and Petar Ramadanovic, eds. Topologies of Trauma: Essays on the Limit of Knowledge and Memory. Reviewed by Karyn Ball. 26.4 (Fall): 745-48.

Bell, Rudolph M., and Cristina Mazzoni. The Voices of Gemma Galgani: The Life and Afterlife of a Modern Saint. Reviewed by Sharon T. Strocchia. 26.4 (Fall): 769-71.

Bernardin, Susan, Melody Graulich, Lisa MacFarlane, and Nicole Tonkovich. Trading Gazes: Euro-American Women Photographers and Native North Americans, 1880-1940. Reviewed by Bonnie Miller. 26.4 (Fall): 757-60.

Besemeres, Mary. Translating One's Self: Language and Selfhood in Cross-Cultural Autobiography. Reviewed by Jadwiga Maszewska. 26.2 (Spring): 337-40.

Blight, David W. Beyond the Battlefield: Race, Memory, and the American Civil War. Reviewed by Thomas J. Rowland. 26.2 (Spring): 329-31.

Bradley, Arthur, and Alan Rawes, eds. Romantic Biography. Reviewed by Christopher Rovee. 26.4 (Fall): 737-40.

Buss, Helen M. Repossessing the World: Reading Memoirs by Contemporary Women. Reviewed by Kristi Siegel. 26.3 (Summer): 457-60.

Clarke, Norma. Dr. Johnson's Women. Reviewed by Sarah R. Morrison. 26.1 (Winter): 160-65.

Clifford, Nicholas. "A Truthful Impression of the Country": British and American Travel Writing in China, 1880-1949. Reviewed by Susan Schoenbauer Thurin. 26.3 (Summer): 501-504.

Dagg, Anne Innis. The Feminine Gaze: A Canadian Compendium of Non-Fiction Women Authors and Their Books, 1835-1945. Reviewed by Richard Cavell. 26.1 (Winter): 167-70.

Degott, Bernard...
