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326 FRANCISCAN STUDIES esting and valuable table showing the amounts allotted to the various dio­ ceses over the century and proving conclusively that the three societies were motivated by a truly Catholic mission spirit. Foe the chapter entitled "The Historical Deposits,” Father Roemer merits the lasting gratitude of all students of American church history. Though brief, the chapter describes the sources which the author himself studied in preparing the work and which will inevitably become the basis for many Studies of hitherto unexplored fields. Besidôs. a logical arrangement and masterful treatment of matter, the book also contains a valuable bibliography, two appendices — one giving the dates of establishment of American dioceses, the other, the statutes of the three societies — and a thorough index. V icto r M ills, O. F. M . St. Bonaventure College St. Bonaventure, N . Y. Books Received T h e Co l l e g e o f St . T h o m a s , St . P a u l , M i n n .: Economic Aspects of Industrial Decentralization. By Franz Mueller. B. H e r d e r B o o k Co., S t. L o u is, Mo.: Thomistic Principles in a Catholic School. By Theodore Brauer. St . A n t h o n y G u ild P re s s, P a t e r s o n , N. J .: The True Life. By Don Luigi Sturzb. New Testament Readings, For Syllabus II, The Life of Christ, Part li. Btessed Are the Pure of Heart. By Isidore O’Brien, O. F. M. Catecismo de la Primera Communion (English and Spanish). Catholic Morality. By Joseph I. Schade. The Social Message of Jesus. By Igino Giordani. Life Begins at Baptism and The Christian Nobility. By Richard Ginder. St. L o u is U n iv e r s ity , St. L o u is, Mo.: Studies in Honor of St. Thomas Aquinas, Vol. I, 1943. A m e r ic a n Ca t h o l ic P h il o s o p h ic a l A s s o c ia t io n : The Movement for a Neo-Scholastic Philosophy of Law in America, 1932-1942. By Miriam Theresa Rooney. Br u c e P u b l is h in g Co ., M il w a u k e e , W is .: Principles for Peace (Selections from Papal Documents, Leo XIII to Pius X II). Lo y o l a U n iv e r s it y P ress, C h ic a g o : . Plane Geometry. By A. D. Theissen and Louis A. McCoy. P ro sv ita -En l ig h t e n m e n t , M c K e e s p o r t , Pa .: Holy Services for the Dead. By Julius Grigassy. Ed u c a to r s’ P rog ress L e a g u e , Ra n d o l p h , W is .: Educators’ Guide to Free*Films (Third Annual Edition, 1943). In the review of A Primer of Formal Logic (Fran. Studies, June, 1943), p. 205, lines 38-43 should read thus: beginner, we submit the following corrections: Instead of Premise (2) ” . . . (x) (H i 3 D x)" read: ," (x )(]^ D D x).” Therefore re»d in (3 ): "(x )[(A x . -Hx) D Ex]. From 1; {cancel Com.] Cond.-Alt., Exp.” Instead of the following line: "The final step depends on Q. 31,” read: "Q. 21.” And instead of the con­ clusion: "(x )[(A x .-Ex) 3 D x],” read the correct conclusion which was intended: "(x) [Ax .-Hx) 3 D x].” ...

