In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

INDEX OF VOLUME 4, NEW SERIES, 1944 Academia Benedictina, 192 Academy of American Franciscan History, 178 et seq., 423 Acta Americana, 188 Agatha, St., 269 et seq. Aguilar, Enrique, 187 Ahequa, Bishop Jorge de, 66 Albergati, Nicholas d’, 251 Alberto Peccador, 265 Alberto da Sarteano, 125, 209, 219, 251 et seq., 255 Albigensians, 35 Alexander IV, Pope, 42 Alexander of Aphrodisias, 147 Alfieri, Henry, 123 Alonzo Benavides, Fray, 293 Alphonse of Poitou, Count, 51 et seq. Americas, The, 180, 423 Ancestors of Christ, Michelangelo’s, 223 et seq. Aniberro, Vincent, 17 Annales Minorum, 48 Anselmi, A., 278 Anselm, St., 98, 100, 162 A priori and a posteriori, distinction be­ tween, 196 Arbor Vitae Crucifixae Jesu, 380 et seq. Archivo Ibero-Americano, 187 et seq., 191 Archivum Pranciscanum Historicum, 123, 127, 130 et seq. Archivum Hibernicum, 188 Aristotle’s Natural Theology, 134 et seq. Religious Objections to, 148 Aristotelian Logic, 151 et seq. N on-form ality of, according to Author of Centiloquium, 154 et seq. Arminio, Fra, 277 Ashburnham Codex, 28 Ashley, J. M., 245 Atjeh, 263 et seq. Aureoli, Petrus, 100 Austin, Robert, 245 Averroist Aristotelianism, 149 Bacon, Roger, 98 Banchi, Luciano, 7, 10, 17, 32, 244 et seq. Barbetti, Telemaco, 245 Bargellini, Piero, 10, 32 Bartholomaeus Agatzanimo, 250 Bartholomew of Cremona, 49 Bassarion, Cardinal, 214 Bautista, Gaspar, 263 et seq. Beaudet, Nérée M., 191 Beaugrand, A., 79 Beaumanoir, 60 Benalius, Marcus Antonius, 235 Benedict di Messer Bartolomeo, 7, 243 Bennett, Owen, 180 Bento de Christo, 264 Bergamo, Cajetan Mary Da, .283 Bernardine of Fossa, 125 Bemardine of Monte Feltro, 125 Bernardine of Siena, St. Articles about, 275 et seq., 411 et seq. Books about, 272 et seq., 406 et seq. Breviarium Romano-Seraphicum, His writings in, 388 Christology of, 395 Church, His Sermons on the, 393 Death, Views on, 403 Doctorate of — , Case for, 371 et seq. Doctrine of — , Eminent, 379 Dogmatic Theology in Vernacular Sermons of, 389 et seq. Education of, 343 Faith, Labors of — in Purifying Christian, 359 et seq. Friendships of, 247 et seq. Hell, teaching on, 403 Holy Name of Jesus, devotee of, 207, 212, 252 Hymn in Honor of, 23 Joseph, Devotion to St., 132 Letter of Pius XII on, 3 Marian doctrine of, 385, 396 Mary, Devotion to, 132 Moral Teacher, 341 et seq. Pillar of the Observance, 121 Preacher, 208-222 passim Preacher, A Model, 309 et seq. Preaching, method of, 315 Preaching Technique, 329 et seq. Prediche Volgari (unedited), 7 et seq. Reformer, 213, 222 Revelation, Teaching on sources of, 392 Sacraments, Teaching on the, 399 Scholarship of, 375 Sermons, Lists of, 12, 18, 22, 23, 28, 29 Times of, 207 et seq. Trinity, Teaching on the, 398 Works of, 229 et seq. Bernardiniana in Holy Name College Library, Washington, 272 et seq. Bernardiniana in Mt. Saint Sepulcher Library, Washington, 406 et seq. Bernardino de Maria, 265 Bernardinus Aquilanus, 257 Beugnot, Arthur, 35, 37, 42, 48, 60 Boehner, Philotheus, 170, 190 Boethius of Dacia, 149 Boleyn, Anne, 71 et seq., 16 Bonaventure, St., 49, 97 et seq., 100, 127, 149, 156 424 INDEX 425 Borgmeier, Thomas, 191 Borkowski, Aurelius, 292 Boutaric, Edgard, 35, 41, 52, 58 Bowdin, H. S., 77 et seq. Bozon le Sage, 80 Bozon, Nicholas, Saints’ Lives Attributed to, 79, 171, 267 Brady, Ignatius, 100 Brandin, L., 79 Brauer, Theodore, 107 Brentano, 99 Brisebois, Guy, 191 Brophy, Liam, 188 Buchanan, Emerson, 292 Bulletino di Studi Bernardiniatti, 9 Burbach, Dom Maur, 99 Bushell, James G., 180 "Businessmen, Ten Commandments for,” 357 Caerimoniale Vetustissimum, 97 Caesarini, Cardinal, 214, 219 Callebaut, Angre, 50 Callippus, 145 et seq. Campbell, Bertrand J., 150 Campeius (Campeggio), Cardinal, 68. 75 Cannarozzi, Grò, 9, 11, 32, 242 et seq. Capistrano Rule, 64 Capistran, St. John, 124 et seq., 209-221 passim, 234, 248-258 passim, 377 Casini, Anthony, 251 Castellivi, Marcelino de, 291 Castro, Francisco de Souza de, 263, 265 Catherine of Aragon, 63, Education of, 65 On the stage, 70 Catholic College, Local Attitudes To­ ward, 89 Results of survey, 91 et seq. Cavendish, George, 70 Celebes, 262 Centiloquium, 151 et seq. Difference between Author of — and Ockham, 167 et seq. Historical Position of Author of — and of Ockham, 168 et seq...

