In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Stokoe Announcement The 18th International Congress on Education of the Deaf will be held inJerusalem the 16th through the 20th of July, 1995. The ICED meets every five years and isdescribed by its Secretary General, Professor Jerry Reichstein, as: ... the most prestigious and encompassing international gathering inthe field of education, rehabilitation and adjustment of hearing imparied people. For more information, address The Secretariat, Post Office Box 50006, Tel Aviv 61500, Israel. Errata SLS 80, p. 270. The first sentence under "Background of the study" should read, as inthe original manuscript: 'The present study was part of a larger, qualitative investigation inwhich auditory /oral and total communication preschoolers participated as research informants inastudy of emergent literacy development in young profoundly deaf children (Williams 1991)." SLS 80, p.278. Under "Discussion" the second sentence of the last paragraph should read: "Inreality, the Preschool 1,auditory/ oral children did not all share acommon mode of communication." The editor's inserted phrase "subjected to" was amarginal note on the manuscript and should never have been carried into the published text. SLS 82 ...

