- Notes on Contributors
Dwight W. Read received his Ph.D. at UCLA in Mathematics, with focus on abstract algebras. He is a Distinguished Professor of Anthropology at UCLA and publishes in all the subdisciplines of Anthropology. His current research focuses on the interrelationship between the material and the ideational domains in human societies. He has recently published three books: Artifact Classification: A Conceptual and Methodological Approach (2007), How Culture Makes Us Human (2012) and Human Thought and Social Organization: Anthropology on a New Plane (with Murray Leaf, 2012).
Caterina Marchionni is a Researcher at the Finnish Centre of Excellence in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (TINT), University of Helsinki. Her main research interests are in the philosophy of economics and the philosophy of the social sciences. In particular, she works on modeling, explanation, and interdisciplinary relations.
Jari-Erik Nurmi is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. His research interests include many topics, such as motivation and learning, classroom interaction, future orientation, and modeling of developmental processes. He has also been active in many scientific societies and journals.
Till Grüne-Yanoff is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. His research focuses on the philosophy of science and on decision theory. In particular, he investigates the practice of modeling in economics and other social sciences, develops formal models [End Page 276] of preference change and discusses the use of models in policy decision-making. Till is also a member of the TINT Finnish Centre of Excellence in the Philosophy of Social Science in Helsinki.
Petri Luomanen is University Lecturer of New Testament Studies, University of Helsinki. He wrote his doctoral thesis on Matthew's view of salvation (Entering the Kingdom of Heaven, 1998) and has researched on early Jewish Christianity (Reconstructing Early Jewish Christian Sects and Gospels, 2012). Specifically, he is interested in recent developments within the social identity approach, collective memory and the application of cognitive science in the study of early Christianity.
Diego Rios is a researcher in philosophy and social sciences. He held academic positions in Hertfordshire University (UK), Versailles University (France), and the University of Cologne, University of Dusseldorf and University of Witten Herdecke (Germany). He is currently teaching at University of San Martin (Argentina). His main interests are in philosophy of the social sciences, philosophy of mind, and political philosophy.
Graeme Earl, Senior Lecturer at University of Southampton, is a specialist in multi- and inter-disciplinary research, with a particular emphasis on interactions between cultural heritage and computation. He is particularly concerned with the development and implementation of digital data capture techniques and multimedia resources for archaeology, including the uses of computer graphics, virtual reality and other techniques for the interpretation of archaeological sites and for providing access to dispersed data. Graeme is a member of the University Strategic Research Groups (USRG) for the Digital Economy and Maritime Studies. Via the Computational Modelling Group he is also involved in the activities of the USRG in Complexity Science.
Mary S. Morgan, Fellow of the British Academy and Overseas Fellow of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences holds chairs in the History and Philosophy of Economics at the London School of Economics and the University of Amsterdam. Her main books include The History of Econometric Ideas (1990) and Models as Mediators (1999, with Margaret Morrison), and now The World in the Model (2012). She has recently concluded a major team project that crosses over between the sciences and humanities: How Well Do Facts Travel? (2011, with Peter Howlett) and is currently "Rethinking Case Studies Across the Social Sciences" as a British Academy-Wolfson Research Professor. [End Page 277]
Dr. David Shipworth is a Reader in Energy and the Built Environment at the UCL Energy Institute. His work focuses on how technology and behaviour interact to influence energy use, and its representation with socio-technical models. His research is highly multidisciplinary (spanning the social and physical sciences), and empirical (based on analysis of data and construction of models from data). He is PI on "Carbon, Control, and Comfort"; Co-I on the "People, Energy, and Buildings" consortium; and on "New Empirically-Based Models of Energy Use...