In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received
Acquisto, Joseph, Crusoes and Other Castaways in Modern French Literature: Solitary Adventures. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2012. x + 271 pp.
Adamowicz, Elza, ed., Dada and Beyond, ii: Dada and its Legacies. (Avant-Garde Critical Studies, 27). Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2012. 274 pp., ill.
Astbury, Katherine, Narrative Responses to the Trauma of the French Revolution. (Legenda Main Series). Oxford: Legenda, 2012. x + 186 pp.
Atlan, Henri, The Sparks of Randomness, ii: The Atheism of Scripture. Translated by Lenn J. Schramm. (Cultural Memory in the Present). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2013. xxviii + 368 pp.
Aubert, Nathalie, ed., Proust and the Visual. (Studies in Visual Culture). Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2013. xvi + 246 pp.
Badiou, Alain, Plato’s ‘Republic’: A Dialogue in Sixteen Chapters, with a Prologue and an Epilogue. Translated by Susan Spitzer. Introduction by Kenneth Reinhard. Oxford: Polity, 2012. xxxvi + 372 pp.
Barthes, Roland, How to Live Together: Novelistic Simulations of Some Everyday Spaces. Translated by Kate Briggs. New York: Columbia University Press, 2012. xxx + 222 pp.
Bassmann, Lutz, We Monks and Soldiers. Translated by Jordan Stump. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2013. iv + 194 pp.
Bédier, Joseph, Le Roman de Tristan et Iseut. Édition critique par Alain Corbellari. (Textes littéraires français, 619). Genève: Droz, 2012. lxxxii + 298 pp.
Belleguic, Thierry, éd., Diderot Studies, 32. Genève: Droz, 2012. viii + 368 pp.
Beschet, Paul, Mission in Thuringia in the Time of Nazism. Translated by Theodore P. Fraser. Milwaukee, WI: Marquette University Press, 2012. 272 pp.
Blanchard, Joël, éd., Procès de Jacques d’Armagnac, d’après le ms. 2000 de la Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève. (Travaux d’humanisme et Renaissance, 510). Genève: Droz, 2012. cxxviii + 970 pp.
Bolin, John, Beckett and the Modern Novel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. xii + 214 pp.
Boulé, Jean-Pierre and Ursula Tidd, eds., Existentialism and Contemporary Cinema: A Beauvoirian Perspective. New York: Berghahn Books, 2012. x + 188 pp.
Bruscambille, Œuvres complètes: Les Fantaisies; Les Nouvelles et Plaisantes Imaginations; Facecieuses paradoxes; Les Plaisants Paradoxes; Pamphlets. Édition [End Page 301] critique par Hugh Roberts et Annette Tomarken. (Textes littéraires de la Renaissance, 15). Paris: Honoré Champion, 2012. 824 pp.
Burgwinkle, William, Nicholas Hammond, and Emma Wilson, eds, The Cambridge History of French Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. xxiv + 798 pp.
Campbell, Emma and Robert Mills, eds, Rethinking Medieval Translation: Ethics, Politics, Theory. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2012. xii + 292 pp.
Camus, Albert et Michael Vinaver, S’engager? Correspondance (1946 –1957). Édition établie, présentée et annotée par Simon Chemama. Paris: L’Arche, 2012. 160 pp.
Charlton, David, Opera in the Age of Rousseau: Music, Confrontation, Realism. (Cambridge Studies in Opera). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. xxii + 414 pp., ill.
Chenavier, Robert, Simone Weil: Attention to the Real. Translated by Bernard E. Doering. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2012. x + 92 pp.
Clay, Richard, Iconoclasm in Revolutionary Paris: The Transformation of Signs. (SVEC, 2012:11). Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2012. xviii + 306 pp., ill.
Cook, Alexandra, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Botany: The Salutary Science. (SVEC, 2012:12). Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2012. xxii + 436 pp., ill.
Crimp, Catherine, Childhood as Memory, Myth and Metaphor: Proust, Beckett and Bourgeois. (Legenda Main Series). Oxford: Legenda, 2013. xiv + 190 pp.
Dauncey, Hugh, French Cycling: A Social and Cultural History. (Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures, 23). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2012. vi + 290 pp.
Dupouy, Christine, dir., André Dhôtel, entre archaïsme et modernité. (Faux titre, 380). Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2012. 308 pp.
Duval, Frédéric, Dire Rome en français: dictionnaire onomasiologique des institutions. (Publications romanes et françaises, 257). Genève: Droz, 2012. 470 pp.
Enders, Jody, ed. and trans., ‘The Farce of the Fart’ and Other Ribaldries: Twelve Medieval French Plays in Modern English. (The Middle Ages...

