In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Ramon Fernandez, Tell Me, If You Know, and: Sparrows at the Seminary
  • Philip Tegeler

Ramon Fernandez, Tell Me, If You Know

A walk with Ramon FernandezWould be nice right now.

Who else whispers to meOf things so closely held?

The way the dark morning cloudsSimulate a deep solitude and release me,

Or later, how the bright lightOf the beach is too direct,

As if my soul were a pale and parsing thing,Unaccustomed to such light. [End Page 102]

Sparrows at the Seminary

No more ridiculous eulogiesAbout what really matters—

What will matter thenIs what matters now—

The insights almost captured,The work remaining to be done—

These sparrows in the garden,Flying through the gate—

The longing,The invisible,The solitude,The light— [End Page 103]

Philip Tegeler
West Hartford, Connecticut

