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Notes on Contributors145 Notes on Contributors Fabienne H. Baider enseigne la linguistique française à l'Université de Chypre. Elle a obtenu son Mastère en Finances et Économie à l'École Supérieure de Commerce de Lille et son doctorat en Linguistique et Women's Studies à l'Université de Toronto. Ses recherches portent sur la sémantique dans une approche sociologique et féministe. Fabienne H. Baider est l'auteure de Hommes galants, femmesfaciles (2003), étude socio-sémantique du sexisme langagier ; ses récentes publications incluent des études de lexicologie historique (parues dans Metaphorik, Linguistik on Une) et des analyses linguistiques de textes littéraires (publiées dans Text Technology, Feminist Research Quarterly). Elle prépare un recueil d'articles (Invitation au voyage, L'Harmattan, 2003), consacré aux questions d'identité et d'altérité telles que construites et perçues dans le discours touristique. Jeanne Garane is Associate Professor of French and Director of the Program in Comparative Literature at the University ofSouth Carolina-Columbia, where she teaches courses on Francophone literature and film, postcolonial theory, and comparative literary studies. She has published a number of essays and literary translations and is working on a book about postcolonial autobiographies and the construction of space. Martine Guyot-Bender has been teaching Post-War French literatures and cultures at Hamilton College, Clinton, NY, since 1991. She has published a volume on Patrick Modiano, Poétique et politique de l 'ambiguïté (Lettres Modernes, 1999) and co-edited another one, Paradigms ofMemory (Peter Lang, 1 998). She is the author ofseveral articles on popular culture including "Seducing Corinne: the Official Popular Press during the Occupation," in Gender, Fascism and Popular Culture in France, edited by Joseph Golsan and Melanie Hawthorne (UP New England, 1 996); "Fiction at Twenty Thousand Leagues Above the Sea. Hemispheres ' Fantasies of France," Sites/Sites (summer 200 1 ) and an evaluation of popular fiction in France, to appear in French Popular Culture, ed. Hugh D. Dauncey (London, Arnold Publishers, 2003). She has also collaborated entries to Encyclopedias and presented numerous papers on popular cultures during the Nazi Occupation of France as well as on social films and film documentaries. Samuel Junod received his Licence es Lettres (1994) and Diplôme d'Etudes supérieures ( 1 996) from the University of Geneva. He taught Greek and Hebrew at the Institut Biblique et Théologique d 'Orvin (Switzerland, 1 9941995 ) and completed a Ph.D. at the Johns Hopkins University (1999). Assistant Professor of French at CU Boulder since 1999, he specializes in the literature of the French Renaissance. He wrote articles on François Rabelais Women in French Studies andAgrippa d'Aubigné and contributed to the edition ofAgrippa d'Aubigné's Complete Works. He is currently writing a book on the literary representation ofthe Prophet (La Représentation littéraire duprophète au temps des guerres de religion). Catherine Parayre obtained her Ph.D. in Romance Languages at the University ofGeorgia in 2002, with a dissertation focusing on various novels by Joan Bodon, a twentieth-century Occitan writer. A recipient ofthe Lise Meitner post-doctoral fellowship awarded by the Austrian Science Fund, she is currently working on the poetry of four Occitan women, including Calelhon, at the University ofVienna (Austria). Susan Petit est professeure de français et d'anglais à College of San Mateo. Elle est l'auteure de Michel Tournier 's Metaphysical Fictions (John Benjamins, 1991) et de Françoise Mallet-Joris (Rodopi, 2001) et des chapitres dans DivineAporia : Postmodern Conversations about the Other (ed. John Hawley, Buckneil UP, 2000), The ContemporaryNovel in France (ed. William Thompson , UP of Florida, 1995), Reform and Counterreform: Dialectics of the Word in Western Christianity Since Luther (ed. John Hawley, Mouton de Gruyter, 1 994) et Diet and Discourse : Eating, Drinking and Literature (ed. Evelyn J. Hinz, Mosaic, 1991). Elle a également contribué des articles aux revues telles que Brèves, Names : A Journal ofOnomastics, Christianity and Literature, Œuvres et Critiques, Simone de Beauvoir Studies, French Review, Children 's Literature, Orbis Litterarum, Modern Language Studies, Novel, Romanic Review et French Forum et publie des comptes rendus sur des romans contemporains et des ouvrages critiques dans French Review et d'autres publications. Alison...

