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260Women in French Studies NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS Kate Beeching Kate Beeching is a Senior Lecturer in Linguistics and French at the University ofthe West of England. She is currently writing a Ph.D. thesis part-time in the area of Language and Gender in French. Laurie Corbin Laurie Corbin is an Associate Professor ofFrench at IndianaUniversity-Purdue University at Fort Wayne. Her book, The Mother Mirror: SelfRepresentation and the Mother-Daughter Relation in Colette, Simone de Beauvoir, and Marguerite Duras, was published by Peter Lang in 1996. Her recent research focuses on French and Francophone representations ofcolonization in colonial and postcolonial literature. Carolyn A. Durham Carolyn A. Durham is InezK. Gaylord ProfessorofFrench atthe College ofWooster, where she alsoteaches courses in Women's Studies and Comparative Literature. Her research interests center on twentieth-century fiction and on film; her recent publications include The Contexture ofFeminism: Marie Cardinal and Multicultural Literacy (Illinois, 1991) and Double Takes: Culture inFrench Films andTheirAmerican Remakes (New England, 1998). Tama Lea Engelking TamaLeaEngelking is anAssociateProfessorofFrench atCleveland StateUniversity. Her scholarship focuses on tum-of-the-century French women writers, and she has published articles on Renee Vivien, Anna de Noailles, Colette, Rachilde, Gérard d'Houville and LucieDelarue-Mardrus. She is currently one ofthe editors forD 'Autres Voix, (an anthology of French and Francophone Women Writers), and is writing a monograph tentativelytitled Belle EpoqueBarbarians: French Femmes deLettres at the Turn ofthe Century. Carolyn Fay Carolyn Fay is a Ph.D. candidate in French at the University ofVirginia. She is currently completing her dissertation, Stories ofthe Sleeping Body: Literary andScientific Constructions ofSleep in Nineteenth-Century France. Jane Freedman Jane Freedman is a lecturer in French politics at the University ofSouthampton. Her book Femmes Politiques: Mythes et Symboles is a comparative study of women in French and British Politics. Christiane (Perrin) Makward Christiane (Perrin) Makward, Professor ofFrench and Women's Studies at Penn State, has published translations and articles on Francophone and contemporary French women writers. Her books include the autobiography ofCorinna Bille, an essay on 261 Mayotte Capécia and a Dictionnaire littéraire desfemmes de languefrançaise with Madeleine Cottenet-Hage et al. Nicole Mallet Nicole Mallet is Professor Emeritus ofFrench at the University ofAlberta, Cananda. Bom and educated in France, she holds an Agrégation and a doctoral degree in Comparative Literature from Paris-Sorbonne. Shehaspublishedextensively on French classical literature (dramaandwomen'swriting), onthereception ofElizabethanDrama in Francophone culture, and on the History of Translation. She is "Chevalier dans l'ordre des Palmes Académiques." Loma Milne Loma Milne is Lecturer in French at the University ofSt. Andrews, Scotland. She is the author ofL 'EvangileselonMichel: La Trinité initiatiquedans l'oeuvrede Tournier (Rodopi, 1994), co-editor(withJohn Gaffiiey) ofFrenchPresidentialism andtheElection of1995 (Ashgate, 1997) and has published numerous articles on modem French fiction and politics. Patricia Mines Pat Mines is a lecturer inthe Departmentof European Languages atthe University of Aberystwyth. Her Ph.D. was entitled The Representation ofEvil in the later novels of VictorHugo. Herresearch interests include femininstcriticism, andthe representation ofwomen in 19th century French literature. She is currently writing a book on the female characters in the theatre ofVictorHugo. Catherine R. Montfort Catherine Monfort is Professor ofFrench and Women's Studies at Santa Clara University . She isthe authorofLesFortunesde MmedeSévignéauXVIIème etauXVIIIème siècles, andthe editor ofLiterate WomenandtheFrench Revolution of1 789. She has publishedarticles on Agrippad'Aubigné, Mmede Sévigné, Charlotte Corday, Mme de Staël, MmeCampan, Vigée leBrun, Simonede BeauvoirandAnnieEmaux. Hercurrent research is centered on the reception history ofworks by seventeenth and eighteenth century women. Pamela M. Moores Pamela M. Moores is Senior Lecturer in French and Director of Undergraduate Programmes in the School ofLanguages and European Studies at Aston University, UK. She has researched and published on the nineteenth century novelist,journalist, and Communard Jules Vallès, and on the contemporary French media. She is also interested in women's writing and representation ofwomen in the media. Amy Reid Amy Reid is an Assistant Professor of French at New College, University of South Florida. She has written ontherepresentation ofwomen's relationships intheNaturalistnovel , and is particularly interested inHuysmans' portrayal ofworking-classwomen. 262Women in French Studies Her current research, however, examines Woman's idenitity (identité québ...

