In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Studies in English Literature 1500–1900Volume 52, 2012
Abstracts, Autumn 995
Abstracts, Spring 513
Abstracts, Summer 743
Abstracts, Winter 261
Alexander, Gavin, “Final Intentions or Process? Editing Greville’s Caelica 13
Anderson, Emily Hodgson, “Self-Citation in Maria Edgeworth’s Helen 797
Burlinson, Christopher, “Response and Accumulation: Textual Editors and Richard Corbett’s ‘Oxford Ballad’” 35
Burlinson, Christopher, and Ruth Connolly, “Editing Stuart Poetry” 1
Chalk, Brian Patrick, “Jonson’s Textual Monument” 387
Cohn, Elisha, “Still Life: Suspended Animation in Charlotte Brontë’s Villette 843
Corcoran, Kellye, “Cuckoldry as Performance, 1675–1715” 543
Connolly, Ruth, “Editing Intention in the Manuscript Poetry of Robert Herrick” 69
Connolly, Ruth, see under Burlinson. 1
Connolly, Ruth, see under Howe. 51
Ding, Chinnie, “‘Myriad-Headed, Myriad-Handed’: Labor in Middlemarch 917
Eardley, Alice, “Hester Pulter’s ‘Indivisibles’ and the Challenges of Annotating Early Modern Women’s Poetry” 117
Finkelstein, Richard, “The Comedy of Errors and theTheology of Things” 325
Frank, Lawrence, “In Hamlet’s Shadow: Mourning and Melancholia in Little Dorrit” 861
Friedman, Emily, “The End(s) of Richardson’s Sir Charles Grandison 651
Gallagher, Noelle, “Historiography, the Novel, and Henry Fielding’s Joseph Andrews 631
Gibson, Jonathan, “Synchrony and Process: Editing Manuscript Miscellanies” 85
Glavin, John, “Othellos, Dickenses, and Dombeys” 819
Hamlin, William M., “Common Customers in Marston’s Dutch Courtesan and Florio’s Montaigne” 407
Herron, Shane, “Burke and Swift on the Ethics of Revolution” 669
Howe, Christopher J., Ruth Connolly, and Heather F. Windram, “Responding to Criticisms of Phylogenetic Methods in Stemmatology” 51
Jordan, John O., “Recent Studies in the Nineteenth Century” 937
Kermode, Lloyd Edward, “Money, Gender, and Conscience in Robert Wilson’s The Three Ladies of London 265
Kim, Jane E. “Jobian Suffering in Shelley’s The Cenci 765
Loxley, James, “Echoes as Evidence in the Poetry of Andrew Marvell” 165
Menges, Hilary, “Authorship, Friendship, and Forms of Publication in Katherine Philips” 517
McInnis, David, “Therapeutic Travel in Richard Brome’s The Antipodes 447
Napton, Dani, and Stephanie Russo, “Place in Charlotte Smith’s The Banished Man and Walter Scott’s Woodstock 747
Nesler, Miranda Garno, “Closeted Authority in The Tragedy of Mariam 363
Péti, Miklós, “‘Envy’d Wit’ in An Essay on Criticism 561
Pionke, Albert D., “The Spiritual Economy of ‘Goblin Market’” 897
Potter, Lois, “Recent Studies in Tudor and Stuart Drama” 471
Rawson, Claude, “Recent Studies in the Restoration and Eighteenth Century” 697
Russo, Stephanie, see under Napton.
Scott, William O. “Risk, Distrust, and Ingratitude in Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida 345
Sivefors, Per, “Conflating Babel and Babylon in Tamburlaine 2 293
Smith, Courtney Weiss, “Political Individuals and Providential Nature in Locke and Pope” 609
Strawn, Morgan, “Homer, Sentimentalism, and Pope’s Translation of The Iliad 585
Thauvette, Chantelle, “Masculinity and Turkish Captivity in Swetnam, the Woman-Hater 425
Todd, Richard, and Helen Wilcox, “The Challenges of Editing Donne and Herbert” 187
Watkins, John, “Recent Studies in the English Renaissance” 207
West, Philip, “Editing James Shirley’s Poems” 101
Wilcox, Helen, see under Todd. 187
Windram, Heather F., see under Howe. 51
Zurcher, Andrew, “Deficiency and Supplement: Perfecting the Prosthetic Text” 143

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