In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Recent Periodicals
Anglo-Saxon England, 39 (2010)

Includes: N. Brooks, ‘Why is the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle About Kings?’; W. Rudolf, ‘The Homiliary of Angers in Tenth-Century England’; M. Godden, ‘The Old English Life of St Neot and the Legends of King Alfred’.

Arabica, 58 (2011)

Includes: S. G. Reynolds, ‘Le problème de la chronologie du Coran’.

Business History, 54, 1 (February 2012)

Includes: H. Cox and S. Mowatt, ‘Vogue in Britain: Authenticity and the Creation of Competitive Advantage in the UK Magazine Industry’.

Cercles, 19 (2009) []

Includes: B. I. Weiner, ‘The Democratic Exchange of Reading and Writing: Americanization and Periodical Publication, 1750–1810’.

Christ Church Library Newsletter, 7, 2 (Hilary 2011)

Includes: V. Stevens, ‘Conserving Johann Remmelin’s Catoptrum Microcosmicum’; J. McMullin, ‘From Manuscripts to Mandrake Roots: Christ Church Library, Its History and Treasures’; C. Neagu, ‘Time Capsule under Restoration: The Allestree Library’; D. Mairhofer, ‘Medieval Manuscripts from the Charterhouse at Mainz in the Bodleian Library (2)’; C. Neagu, ‘Breaking the Canon? Manuscript 28 and the Traditions of Byzantine vs Western Illumination’.

Early Medieval Europe, 20, 2 (May 2012)

Includes: M. L. Marchiori, ‘Rogatrix atque donatrix: The Silver Cover of the Berta Evangeliary (Vatican, S. Maria in Via Lata, MS. I 45) and the Patronage of Art by Women in Early Medieval Rome’.

East Asian Publishing and Society, 1, 1 (2011)

Includes: Y. K. Oh, ‘Printing the Samgang haengsil-to 三綱行實圖 (Illustrated Guide to the Three Relationships), a Premodern Korean Moral Primer’; J. Kerlouégan, ‘Printing for Prestige? Publishing and Publications by Ming Princes’; A. E. McLaren, ‘Oral Literature and Print Culture in China: Some Recent Scholarship’.

———, 1, 2 (2011)

Includes: J. Kerlouégan, ‘Printing for Prestige? Publishing and Publications by Ming Princes Part 2’; M. D. Shin, ‘Towards a Political Economy of the Early Modern Print Industry in Choso?n’.

———, 2, 1 (2012)

Includes: J. Kerlouégan, ‘Printing for Prestige? Publishing and Publications by Ming Princes Part 3’; D. McGhee, ‘Introduction to Iwase Bunko Library’; P. Kornicki, ‘Steps Towards a History of the Tangut Book: Some Recent Publications’. [End Page 495]

e-Journal of Portuguese History, 8, 1 (Summer 2010) []

Includes: ‘C. DeNipoti, ‘Libraries and the Book Trade in Portugal—The Papers of Marino Miguel Franzini’.

Enterprise & Society, 13, 2 (June 2012)

Includes: K. Arnberg, ‘Under the Counter, Under the Radar? The Business and Regulation of the Pornographic Press in Sweden 1950–1971’.

Information & Culture: A Journal of History, 47, 1 (2012) [formerly Libraries & the Cultural Record]

Includes: B. Bodemer, ‘Rabelais and the Abbey of Saint-Victor Revisited’; B. Cronin, ‘Collaboration in Art and Science: Approaches in Attribution, Authorship and Acknowledgement’; P. Valentine, ‘The Origin of College Libraries in North Carolina: A Social History 1890–1920’; N. B. Stevens. ‘The Lambeth Palace Library: England’s First Public Library’.

———, 47, 2 (2012)

Includes: J. W. Cortada, ‘Shaping Information History as an Intellectual Discipline’; B. Peters, ‘Normalizing Soviet Cybernetics’; J. Loveland, ‘Why Encyclopedias Got Bigger . . . and Smaller’.

Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art 2, 1–2 (2010) []

Includes: K. M. Rudy, ‘Dirty Books: Quantifying Patterns of Use in Medieval Manuscripts Using a Densitometer’; D. T. Cashion, ‘The Art of Nikolaus Glockendon: Imitation and Originality in the Art of Renaissance Germany’.

Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 43, 3 (March 2012)

Includes: A. Pitarch [and others], ‘Raman Analysis Assessed by Fourier-Transformed Infrared and X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopies: a Multi-Analytical Approach of Ancient Chromolithographs from the 19th Century’.

Keats-Shelley Review, 26, 1 (April 2012)

Includes: L. MacFarlane, ‘Charles Armitage Brown’s Library at New Plymouth, New Zealand’.

Law Library Journal, 104, 1 (Winter 2012)

Issue devoted to ‘A Tribute to Morris L. Cohen (1927–2010)’ includes short biographical articles; W. Prest, ‘Blackstone and Bibliography: In Memoriam Morris Cohen’; J. Raven. ‘Booksellers in Court: Approaches to the Legal History of Copyright in England Before 1842’.

Libraries & the Cultural Record, 46, 4 (2011)

Includes: C. White, ‘Rising from the Ashes: The Impact of Proposition 13 on Public Libraries in California’; K. MacLeod, ‘The ‘Librarian’s Dream-Prince’: Carl Van Vechten and America’s Modernist Cultural Archives Industry’; S. A. Stiffler, ‘Books and Reading in the Connecticut Western Reserve: The Small-Settlement Social Library, 1800...

